PDF Table Extraction and Processing

a guide on how to extract tables from pdfs in 2024
Table of Contents

Tables in PDFs are very prevalent and for those of us who are intent on extracting information from PDFs, they often contain very useful information in a very dense format. Processing tables in PDFs, if not the top 10 priority for humanity, it certainly is an important one.

Once data from PDFs is extracted, it’s relatively easy to process it using Large Language Models or LLMs. We need to do this in two phases:

  • Extract the raw data from tables in PDFs
  • Then pass it to an LLM so that we can extract the data we need as structured JSON. Once we have JSON, it becomes super easy to process in almost any language.

PDF raw text extraction with LLMWhisperer

In this article, we’ll see how to use Unstract’s LLMWhisperer as the text extraction service for PDFs. As you’ll see in some examples we discuss, LLMWhisperer allows us to extract data from PDFs by page, so we can extract exactly what we need. The key difference between various OCR systems and LLMWhisperer is that it outputs data in a manner that is easy for LLMs to process.

Also, we don’t have to worry about whether the PDF is a native text PDF or is made up of scanned images. LLMWhisperer can automatically switch between text and OCR mode as required by the input document.

Getting started with PDF table extraction

Before you run the project

The source code for the project can be found here on Github. To successfully run the extraction script, you’ll need 2 API keys. One for LLMWhisperer and the other for OpenAI APIs. Please be sure to read the Github project’s README to fully understand OS and other dependency requirements. You can sign up for LLMWhisperer, get your API key, and process up to 100 pages per day free of charge.

The input documents

Let’s take a look at the documents and the exact pages within the documents from which we need to extract the tables in question. First off, we have a credit card statement from which we’ll need to extract the table of spends, which is on page 2 as you can see in the screenshot below.

Extracting table from a pdf: credit card statement

The other document we’ll use is one of Apple’s quarterly financial statements, also known as a 10-Q report. From this, we’ll extract Apple’s sales data by different regions in the world. We will extract a table that contains this information from page 14, a screenshot of which is provided below. You can find the sample 10-Q report in the companion Github repository.

Extracting table from a pdf: Apple financial statement

The code for PDF text extraction

Using LLMWhisperer’s Python client, we can extract data from these documents as needed. LLMWhisperer is a cloud service and requires an API key, which you can get for free. LLMWhisperer’s free plan allows you to extract up to 100 pages of data per day, which is more than we need for this example.

def extract_text_from_pdf(file_path, pages_list=None):
   llmw = LLMWhispererClient()
       result = llmw.whisper(file_path=file_path, 
       extracted_text = result["extracted_text"]
       return extracted_text
   except LLMWhispererClientException as e:

Just calling the whisper() method on the client, we’re able to extract raw text from images, native text PDFs, scanned PDFs, smartphone photos of documents, etc.

Here’s the extracted data from page 2 of our credit card statement, which contains the list of spends.

                                      Manage your account online at:     Customer Service:    Mobile: Download the 
                                        www.chase.com/cardhelp             1-800-524-3880       Chase Mobile ® app today 

 Your AutoPay amount will be reduced by any payments or merchant credits that post to your account before we 
 process your AutoPay payment. If the total of these payments and merchant credits is more than your set AutoPay 
 amount, your AutoPay payment for that month will be zero. 


    Date of 
  Transaction                         Merchant Name or Transaction Description                        $ Amount 

  01/28               AUTOMATIC PAYMENT - THANK YOU                                                   -4,233.99 

  01/04               LARRY HOPKINS HONDA 7074304151 CA                                                 265.40 
 01/04                CICEROS PIZZA SAN JOSE CA                                                          28.18 
 01/05                USPS PO 0545640143 LOS ALTOS CA                                                    15.60 
 01/07                TRINETHRA SUPER MARKET CUPERTINO CA                                                 7.92 
  01/04               SPEEDWAY 5447 LOS ALTOS HIL CA                                                     31.94 
 01/06                ATT*BILL PAYMENT 800-288-2020 TX                                                  300.29 
 01/07                AMZN Mktp US*RT4G124P0 Amzn.com/bill WA                                             6.53 
  01/07               AMZN Mktp US*RT0Y474Q0 Amzn.com/bill WA                                            21.81 
  01/05               HALAL MEATS SAN JOSE CA                                                            24.33 
 01/09                VIVINT INC/US 800-216-5232 UT                                                      52.14 
  01/09               COSTCO WHSE #0143 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA                                                 75.57 
  01/11               WALGREENS #689 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA                                                    18.54 
  01/12               GOOGLE *YouTubePremium g.co/helppay# CA                                            22.99 
 01/13                FEDEX789226298200 Collierville TN                                                 117.86 
  01/19               SHELL OIL 57444212500 FREMONT CA                                                    7.16 
  01/19               LEXUS OF FREMONT FREMONT CA                                                       936.10 
 01/19                STARBUCKS STORE 10885 CUPERTINO CA                                                 11.30 
 01/22                TST* CHAAT BHAVAN MOUNTAI MOUNTAIN VIEW CA                                         28.95 
 01/23                AMZN Mktp US*R06VS6MNO Amzn.com/bill WA                                             7.67 
  01/23               UALR REMOTE PAY 501-569-3202 AR                                                  2,163.19 
  01/23               UALR REMOTE PAY 501-569-3202 AR                                                    50.00 
 01/24                AMZN Mktp US*R02SO5L22 Amzn.com/bill WA                                             8.61 
  01/24               TIRUPATHI BHIMAS MILPITAS CA                                                       58.18 
 01/25                AMZN Mktp US*R09PP5NE2 Amzn.com/bill WA                                            28.36 
 01/26                COSTCO WHSE #0143 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA                                                313.61 
  01/29               AMZN Mktp US*R25221T90 Amzn.com/bill WA                                             8.72 
  01/29               COMCAST CALIFORNIA 800-COMCAST CA                                                  97.00 
  01/29               TRADER JOE S #127 LOS ALTOS CA                                                     20.75 
 01/30                Netflix 1 8445052993 CA                                                            15.49 
 01/30                ATT*BILL PAYMENT 800-288-2020 TX                                                  300.35 
  01/30               APNI MANDI FARMERS MARKE SUNNYVALE CA                                              36.76 
 02/01                APPLE.COM/BILL 866-712-7753 CA                                                      2.99 

                                                2024 Totals Year-to-Date 
                                   Total fees charged in 2024                $0.00 
                                   Total interest charged in 2024            $0.00 
                                  Year-to-date totals do not reflect any fee or interest refunds 
                                                you may have received. 

 Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. 
                                            Annual                      Balance 
 Balance Type                              Percentage                  Subject To      Interest 
                                           Rate (APR)                 Interest Rate    Charges 

    Purchases                            19.99%(v)(d)                     - 0 -          - 0 - 
    Cash Advances                       29.99%(v)(d)                      - 0 -          - 0 - 
    Balance Transfers                    19.99%(v)(d)                     - 0 -          - 0 - 

LARRY PAGE                                            Page 2 of 3                          Statement Date: 02/03/24 
0000001 FIS33339 D 12               Y 9 03 24/02/03       Page 2 of 3      06610 MA MA 34942 03410000120003494202 

This is the extracted text from page 14 of Apple’s 10-Q document, which contains the sales by geography table towards the end:

Share-Based Compensation 
The following table shows share-based compensation expense and the related income tax benefit included in the Condensed 
Consolidated Statements of Operations for the three- and six-month periods ended March 30, 2024 and April 1, 2023 (in 
                                                                 Three Months Ended             Six Months Ended 
                                                               March 30,       April 1,     March 30,       April 1, 
                                                                 2024           2023          2024           2023 
 Share-based compensation expense                            $      2,964 $        2,686 $       5,961   $      5,591 
Income tax benefit related to share-based compensation 
  expense                                                    $       (663) $       (620)        (1,898) $      (1,798) 

As of March 30, 2024, the total unrecognized compensation cost related to outstanding RSUs was $24.7 billion, which the 
Company expects to recognize over a weighted-average period of 2.7 years. 

Note 9 - Contingencies 
The Company is subject to various legal proceedings and claims that have arisen in the ordinary course of business and that 
have not been fully resolved. The outcome of litigation is inherently uncertain. In the opinion of management, there was not at 
least a reasonable possibility the Company may have incurred a material loss, or a material loss greater than a recorded accrual, 
concerning loss contingencies for asserted legal and other claims. 

Note 10 - Segment Information and Geographic Data 
The following table shows information by reportable segment for the three- and six-month periods ended March 30, 2024 and 
April 1, 2023 (in millions): 
                                                                 Three Months Ended             Six Months Ended 
                                                               March 30,       April 1,     March 30,       April 1, 
                                                                 2024           2023          2024           2023 
    Net sales                                                $     37,273 $      37,784 $       87,703   $     87,062 
     Operating income                                        $     15,074 $       13,927 $      35,431   $     31,791 

    Net sales                                                $     24,123 $       23,945 $      54,520   $     51,626 
    Operating income                                         $      9,991 $        9,368 $      22,702 $       19,385 

Greater China: 
    Net sales                                                $     16,372 $      17,812   $     37,191 $       41,717 
     Operating income                                        $      6,700 $        7,531 $      15,322   $     17,968 

    Net sales                                                $      6,262 $        7,176 $      14,029   $     13,931 
     Operating income                                        $      3,135 $        3,394 $       6,954   $      6,630 

 Rest of Asia Pacific: 
     Net sales                                               $      6,723 $        8,119 $      16,885   $     17,654 
    Operating income                                         $      2,806 $        3,268 $       7,385   $      7,119 

                                            Apple Inc. I Q2 2024 Form 10-Q | 11 

Langchain+Pydantic to structure extracted raw tables from PDF

Langchain is a popular LLM programming library and Pydantic is one of the parsers it supports for structured data output. If you process a lot of documents of the same type, you might be better off using an open source platform like Unstract which allows you to more visually and interactively develop generic prompts.

But for one-off tasks like the example we’re working on, where the main goal is to demonstrate extraction and structuring, Langchain should do just fine. For a comparison of approaches in structuring unstructured documents, read this article: Comparing approaches for using LLMs for structured data extraction from PDFs.

Defining the schema

To use Pydantic with Langchain, we define the schema or structure of the data we want to extract from the unstructured source as Pydantic classes. For the credit card statement spend items, this is how it looks like:

class CreditCardSpend(BaseModel):
    spend_date: datetime = Field(description="Date of purchase")
    merchant_name: str = Field(description="Name of the merchant")
    amount_spent: float = Field(description="Amount spent")

class CreditCardSpendItems(BaseModel):
    spend_items: list[CreditCardSpend] = Field(description="List of spend items from the credit card statement")

Looking at the definitions, `CreditCardSpendItems` is just a list of `CreditCardSpend`, which defines the line item schema, which contains the spend date, merchant name and amount spent.

For the 10-Q regional sales details, the schema looks like the following:

class RegionalFinancialStatement(BaseModel):
    quarter_ending: datetime = Field(description="Quarter ending date")
    net_sales: float = Field(description="Net sales")
    operating_income: float = Field(description="Operating income")
    ending_type: str = Field(description="Type of ending. Set to either '6-month' or '3-month'")
class GeographicFinancialStatement(BaseModel):
    americas: list[RegionalFinancialStatement] = Field(description="Financial statement for the Americas region, "
                                                                   "sorted chronologically")
    europe: list[RegionalFinancialStatement] = Field(description="Financial statement for the Europe region, sorted "
    greater_china: list[RegionalFinancialStatement] = Field(description="Financial statement for the Greater China "
                                                                        "region, sorted chronologically")
    japan: list[RegionalFinancialStatement] = Field(description="Financial statement for the Japan region, sorted "
    rest_of_asia_pacific: list[RegionalFinancialStatement] = Field(description="Financial statement for the Rest of "
                                                                               "Asia Pacific region, sorted "

Constructing the prompt and calling the LLM

The following code uses Langchain to let us define the prompts to structure data from the raw text like we need it. The compile_template_and_get_llm_response() function has all the logic to compile our final prompt from the preamble, the instructions from the Pydantic class definitions along with the extracted raw text. It then calls the LLM and returns the JSON response. 

def compile_template_and_get_llm_response(preamble, extracted_text, pydantic_object):
    postamble = "Do not include any explanation in the reply. Only include the extracted information in the reply."
    system_template = "{preamble}"
    system_message_prompt = SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template(system_template)
    human_template = "{format_instructions}\n\n{extracted_text}\n\n{postamble}"
    human_message_prompt = HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template(human_template)

    parser = PydanticOutputParser(pydantic_object=pydantic_object)
    chat_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([system_message_prompt, human_message_prompt])
    request = chat_prompt.format_prompt(preamble=preamble,
    chat = ChatOpenAI()
    response = chat(request, temperature=0.0)
    print(f"Response from LLM:\n{response.content}")
    return response.content

def extract_cc_spend_from_text(extracted_text):
    preamble = ("You're seeing the list of spend items from a credit card statement and your job is to accurately "
                "extract the spend date, merchant name and amount spent for each transaction.")
    return compile_template_and_get_llm_response(preamble, extracted_text, CreditCardSpendItems)

def extract_financial_statement_from_text(extracted_text):
    preamble = ("You're seeing the financial statement for a company and your job is to accurately extract the "
                "revenue, cost of revenue, gross profit, operating income, net income and earnings per share.")
    return compile_template_and_get_llm_response(preamble, extracted_text, GeographicFinancialStatement)

The output: PDF to JSON

Let’s examine the JSON output from the credit card statement table and the region-wise sales table. Here’s the structured JSON from the credit card spend items table first:

  "spend_items": [
      "spend_date": "2024-01-04",
      "merchant_name": "LARRY HOPKINS HONDA 7074304151 CA",
      "amount_spent": 265.40
      "spend_date": "2024-01-04",
      "merchant_name": "CICEROS PIZZA SAN JOSE CA",
      "amount_spent": 28.18
      "spend_date": "2024-01-05",
      "merchant_name": "USPS PO 0545640143 LOS ALTOS CA",
      "amount_spent": 15.60
      "spend_date": "2024-01-07",
      "amount_spent": 7.92
      "spend_date": "2024-01-04",
      "merchant_name": "SPEEDWAY 5447 LOS ALTOS HIL CA",
      "amount_spent": 31.94
      "spend_date": "2024-01-06",
      "merchant_name": "ATT*BILL PAYMENT 800-288-2020 TX",
      "amount_spent": 300.29
      "spend_date": "2024-01-07",
      "merchant_name": "AMZN Mktp US*RT4G124P0 Amzn.com/bill WA",
      "amount_spent": 6.53
      "spend_date": "2024-01-07",
      "merchant_name": "AMZN Mktp US*RT0Y474Q0 Amzn.com/bill WA",
      "amount_spent": 21.81
      "spend_date": "2024-01-05",
      "merchant_name": "HALAL MEATS SAN JOSE CA",
      "amount_spent": 24.33
    [some items removed for concision]

Excellent! We got exactly what we were looking for. Next, let’s look at the JSON output structured from the regional sales table from Apple’s 10-Q PDF.

    "americas": [
            "quarter_ending": "2024-03-30T00:00:00Z",
            "net_sales": 37273,
            "operating_income": 15074,
            "ending_type": "3-month"
            "quarter_ending": "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
            "net_sales": 37784,
            "operating_income": 13927,
            "ending_type": "3-month"
            "quarter_ending": "2024-03-30T00:00:00Z",
            "net_sales": 87703,
            "operating_income": 35431,
            "ending_type": "6-month"
            "quarter_ending": "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
            "net_sales": 87062,
            "operating_income": 31791,
            "ending_type": "6-month"
    "europe": [
            "quarter_ending": "2024-03-30T00:00:00Z",
            "net_sales": 24123,
            "operating_income": 9991,
            "ending_type": "3-month"
            "quarter_ending": "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
            "net_sales": 23945,
            "operating_income": 9368,
            "ending_type": "3-month"
            "quarter_ending": "2024-03-30T00:00:00Z",
            "net_sales": 54520,
            "operating_income": 22702,
            "ending_type": "6-month"
            "quarter_ending": "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
            "net_sales": 51626,
            "operating_income": 19385,
            "ending_type": "6-month"
    "greater_china": [
            "quarter_ending": "2024-03-30T00:00:00Z",
            "net_sales": 16372,
            "operating_income": 6700,
            "ending_type": "3-month"
            "quarter_ending": "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
            "net_sales": 17812,
            "operating_income": 7531,
            "ending_type": "3-month"
            "quarter_ending": "2024-03-30T00:00:00Z",
            "net_sales": 37191,
            "operating_income": 15322,
            "ending_type": "6-month"
            "quarter_ending": "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
            "net_sales": 41717,
            "operating_income": 17968,
            "ending_type": "6-month"
    "japan": [
	"Some items removed for concision"
    "rest_of_asia_pacific": [
        "Some items removed for concision"

This output is as we expected, too. With this kind of structured output, it becomes very easy for us to process complex information in these kinds of tables further. The key to easy extraction of structured information is the availability of cleanly formatted input tables and LLMWhisperer here plays a key role in that extraction even for scanned documents or documents that are just smartphone photos.

Links to libraries, packages, and code

Live coding session on PDF table extraction with LLMs

You can also watch this live coding webinar where we explore all the challenges involved in PDF parsing. We’ll also compare the capabilities of different PDF parsing tools to help you understand their strengths and limitations.

🔭 Related topics on PDF table extraction

🔗 PDF Hell: Explore the challenges in extracting text/tables from PDF documents.

🔗 Comparing approaches for using LLMs to extract tables and text from PDFs

For the curious. Who we are and why are we writing about PDF text extraction?

We are building Unstract. Unstract is a no-code platform to eliminate manual processes involving unstructured data using the power of LLMs. The entire process discussed above can be set up without writing a single line of code. And that’s only the beginning. The extraction you set up can be deployed in one click as an API or ETL pipeline.

With API deployments you can expose an API to which you send a PDF or an image and get back structured data in JSON format. Or with an ETL deployment, you can just put files into a Google Drive, Amazon S3 bucket or choose from a variety of sources and the platform will run extractions and store the extracted data into a database or a warehouse like Snowflake automatically. Unstract is an Open Source software and is available at https://github.com/Zipstack/unstract.

If you want to quickly try it out, signup for our free trial. More information here. 

LLMWhisperer is a document-to-text converter. Prep data from complex documents for use in Large Language Models. LLMs are powerful, but their output is as good as the input you provide. Documents can be a mess: widely varying formats and encodings, scans of images, numbered sections, and complex tables.

Extracting data from these documents and blindly feeding them to LLMs is not a good recipe for reliable results. LLMWhisperer is a technology that presents data from complex documents to LLMs in a way they’re able to best understand it.

If you want to quickly take it for test drive, you can checkout our free playground.