Definitive Guide to pdfplumber Text and Table Extraction Capabilities

Definitive Guide to pdfplumber Text and Table Extraction Capabilities
Table of Contents


In today’s data-driven world, PDFs are one of the most common file formats used for sharing information. From business reports to financial statements and scanned forms, PDFs encapsulate crucial data in a compact and portable manner.

However, extracting structured data from PDFs can be challenging due to their diverse formatting and potential use of images, tables, and non-standard layouts.

This is where PDF parsing tools come into play, enabling automated extraction of data from PDFs into formats that are easier to work with, such as plain text or structured tables.

PDF parsing is an essential process for businesses and developers looking to automate document processing, whether for financial auditing, legal document analysis, or extracting data from large-scale reports.

Manual extraction is often tedious, time-consuming, and prone to error, making automated solutions both efficient and scalable.

One of the leading Python-based tools for PDF parsing is pdfplumber. It is a powerful library that allows for precise extraction of text, tables, and metadata from PDFs.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to set up and use PDFplumber to extract data from PDFs. We’ll explore the installation and basic setup, walk through key features like text and table extraction, and demonstrate these features using real-world examples.

Through this process, we’ll also evaluate the strengths and limitations of pdfplumber, highlighting when and where it shines.

Later in the post, we will also introduce LLMWhisperer API, a layout-preserving PDF-to-text extractor. LLMWhisperer handles document types of any complexity — document scans, images, PDFs with complex tables, checkboxes, and handwriting etc. If you are extracting documents to eventually pass to an LLM to analyze and extract info, this is the simplest and most effective solution. You do not have to worry or know about the document type, format, design and layout.

Setting Up pdfplumber

All the source code for this pdfplumber exploration/evaluation project can be found here on GitHub.

Setting up pdfplumber is straightforward and can be done via Python’s package manager, pip.

pip install pdfplumber

This command will install pdfplumber along with its dependencies, such as pdf2image, Pillow, and PyPDF2, which are required for processing PDFs.

If you encounter any issues related to pdf2image (a common one being missing dependencies on Linux or macOS), you might need to install additional libraries such as poppler-utils for proper image handling.

On Linux, you can install it using:

sudo apt-get install poppler-utils

On macOS, you can install it using Homebrew:

brew install poppler

Once pdfplumber is installed, you’re ready to begin working with PDF files.

pdfplumber initial setup

After installing pdfplumber, the next step is to import the library into your Python script and load a PDF file for processing.

pdfplumber works by opening a PDF file and then allowing you to extract data such as text, tables, and metadata from the document’s pages.

Here’s a basic code example that shows how to load and read the text from the first page of a PDF:

# Import pdfplumber
import pdfplumber

# Open the PDF file
with"Chase Freedom Bank Statement.pdf") as pdf:
    # Access the first page of the PDF
    first_page = pdf.pages[0]

    # Extract the text from the first page
    text = first_page.extract_text()

    # Print the extracted text

Explanation of Code:

  •"sample.pdf"): Opens the PDF file named sample.pdf. The file path can be adjusted to point to any PDF on your system.
  • pdf.pages[0]: Accesses the first page of the PDF (note that Python uses zero-based indexing, so 0 refers to the first page).
  • extract_text(): Extracts the raw text from the page. You can modify this method to extract other elements such as tables or specific data points.

The above code will print the raw text from the first page of the document.

If the page contains structured text like paragraphs, headings, or tables, this text will be extracted and displayed accordingly.

This provides a solid foundation for more complex PDF parsing tasks, such as extracting tables or handling multi-page documents, which will be covered in the next sections.

Key Features of pdfplumber

Text Extraction (Chase Bank Statement)

One of the most fundamental features of pdfplumber is its ability to extract text from PDF files, even when dealing with complex layouts that contain headers, footers, and varying sections of text.

In this section, we’ll walk through the process of extracting text from a Chase Bank Statement, a common document format that includes structured sections like headers, transaction lists, and footers:

The sample document can be accessed here.

We’ll use pdfplumber to load the Chase Bank Statement PDF and extract text from different sections of the document.

This is useful for extracting relevant information such as account numbers, balances, and transaction details, which can then be processed or stored in a structured format.

To begin, we will load the PDF file and extract the text from various pages of the statement. Here’s a step-by-step guide with code:

# Import pdfplumber
import pdfplumber

# Open the PDF file (Chase Bank Statement)
with"Chase Freedom Bank Statement.pdf") as pdf:
    # Iterate over each page in the PDF
    for page in pdf.pages:
        # Extract the text from the page
        page_text = page.extract_text()
        # Print the extracted text
        print(f"Page {page.page_number}:\\n{page_text}\\n")


  •"chase_bank_statement.pdf"): Opens the PDF file.
  • for page in pdf.pages: Loops through all the pages in the PDF document.
  • page.extract_text(): Extracts text from each page.
  • page.page_number: Retrieves the current page number, useful for displaying the page number in the output.

The extracted text will display content from various sections of each of the pages, including the header, account summary, and other structured data.

The output should show text similar to this:

Page 1:
New Balance
February 2024
Minimum Payment Due
28 29 30 31 1 2 3 Previous points balance 40,468
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 + 1% (1 Pt)/$1 earned on all purchases 5,085
Payment Due Date
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 1 2 Start redeeming today. Visit Ultimate Rewards(r) at
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
You always earn unlimited 1% cash back on all your purchases.
Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your minimum payment Activate new bonus categories every quarter. You'll earn an
by the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to additional 4% cash back, for a total of 5% cash back on up to
$40.00 and your APR's will be subject to increase to a maximum $1,500 in combined bonus category purchases each quarter.
Penalty APR of 29.99%. Activate for free at, visit a Chase branch or
Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the minimum call the number on the back of your card.
payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you
longer to pay off your balance. For example:
If you make no You will pay off the And you will end up
additional charges balance shown on this paying an estimated
using this card and statement in about... total of...
each month you pay...
Only the minimum 15 years $12,128
$189 3 years $6,817
If you would like information about credit counseling services, call
Account Number: 4342 3780 1050 7320
Previous Balance $4,233.99
Payment, Credits -$4,233.99
Purchases +$5,084.29
Cash Advances $0.00
B`alance Transfers $0.00
Fees Charged $0.00
Interest Charged $0.00
New Balance $5,084.29
Opening/Closing Date 01/04/24 - 02/03/24
Credit Access Line $31,700
A`vailable Credit $26,615
Cash Access Line $1,585
Available for Cash $1,585
Past Due Amount $0.00
Balance over the Credit Access Line $0.00
Reminder: It is important to continue making your payments on time. Your APRs may increase if the minimum payment is not made on
time or payments are returned.
0000001 FIS33339 D 12 Y 9 03 24/02/03 Page 1 of 3 06610 MA MA34942 03410000120003494201
P.O. BOX 15123
WILMINGTON, DE 19850-5123
See Your Account
For Undeliverable Mail Only
Messages for details.
Account number: 4342 3780 1050 7320
__________________________________________________..______________________ Amount Enclosed
34942 BEX 903424 D AUTOPAY IS ON
LOS ANGELES CA 97015-5505
PO BOX 6294
CAROL STREAM IL 60197-6294

Page 2:
Date of
Transaction Merchant Name or Transaction Description $ Amount
01/04 LARRY HOPKINS HONDA 7074304151 CA 265.40
01/05 USPS PO 0545640143 LOS ALTOS CA 15.60
01/04 SPEEDWAY 5447 LOS ALTOS HIL CA 31.94
01/06 ATT*BILL PAYMENT 800-288-2020 TX 300.29
01/07 AMZN Mktp US*RT4G124P0 WA 6.53
01/07 AMZN Mktp US*RT0Y474Q0 WA 21.81
01/09 VIVINT INC/US 800-216-5232 UT 52.14
01/12 GOOGLE *YouTubePremium CA 22.99
01/13 FEDEX789226298200 Collierville TN 117.86
01/19 SHELL OIL 57444212500 FREMONT CA 7.16
01/23 AMZN Mktp US*R06VS6MN0 WA 7.67
01/23 UALR REMOTE PAY 501-569-3202 AR 2,163.19
01/23 UALR REMOTE PAY 501-569-3202 AR 50.00
01/24 AMZN Mktp US*R02SO5L22 WA 8.61
01/25 AMZN Mktp US*R09PP5NE2 WA 28.36
01/29 AMZN Mktp US*R25221T90 WA 8.72
01/29 TRADER JOE S #127 LOS ALTOS CA 20.75
01/30 Netflix 1 8445052993 CA 15.49
01/30 ATT*BILL PAYMENT 800-288-2020 TX 300.35
02/01 APPLE.COM/BILL 866-712-7753 CA 2.99
2024 Totals Year-to-Date
Total fees charged in 2024 $0.00
Total interest charged in 2024 $0.00
YYeeaarr--ttoo--ddaattee ttoottaallss ddoo nnoott rreefflleecctt aannyy ffeeee oorr iinntteerreesstt rreeffuunnddss
yyoouu mmaayy hhaavvee rreecceeiivveedd..
Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account.
Annual Balance
Balance Type Percentage Subject To Interest
Rate (APR) Interest Rate Charges
Purchases 19.99%(v)(d) - 0 - - 0 -
Cash Advances 29.99%(v)(d) - 0 - - 0 -
Balance Transfers 19.99%(v)(d) - 0 - - 0 -
LARRY PAGE Page2 of 3 Statement Date: 02/03/24
0000001 FIS33339 D 12 Y 9 03 24/02/03 Page 2 of 3 06610 MA MA34942 03410000120003494202

Extracting Text from Specific Sections (Targeted Extraction)

Sometimes, you might want to extract text from specific areas of a page, such as only the transactions section in a bank statement, or avoid extracting headers and footers.

In this case, you can use pdfplumber’s ability to work with bounding boxes to target certain parts of the page.Here’s how to extract text from a specific region of the page, like the Transactions Table:

# Import pdfplumber
import pdfplumber

# Open the PDF file (Chase Bank Statement)
with"Chase Freedom Bank Statement.pdf") as pdf:
    # Get the second page of the PDF
    second_page = pdf.pages[1]

    # Define a bounding box for the transactions area (x0, y0, x1, y1)
    bbox = (50, 100, 550, 550)

    # Extract text from the defined region
    transactions_text = second_page.within_bbox(bbox).extract_text()

    # Print the extracted transactions text


  • bbox = (50, 100, 550, 550): Defines a bounding box for the area where the transactions are located. You may need to adjust these coordinates based on the structure of your PDF, these work for this sample.
  • within_bbox(): Limits the extraction to the defined region (bounding box) of the page.
  • extract_text(): Extracts the text within the specified bounding box.

This allows you to focus on specific sections of the document, making it easier to extract just the relevant information.

The output for the Transactions section should look like this:

Date of
Transaction Merchant Name or Transaction Description $ Amount
01/04 LARRY HOPKINS HONDA 7074304151 CA 265.40
01/05 USPS PO 0545640143 LOS ALTOS CA 15.60
01/04 SPEEDWAY 5447 LOS ALTOS HIL CA 31.94
01/06 ATT*BILL PAYMENT 800-288-2020 TX 300.29
01/07 AMZN Mktp US*RT4G124P0 WA 6.53
01/07 AMZN Mktp US*RT0Y474Q0 WA 21.81
01/09 VIVINT INC/US 800-216-5232 UT 52.14
01/12 GOOGLE *YouTubePremium CA 22.99
01/13 FEDEX789226298200 Collierville TN 117.86
01/19 SHELL OIL 57444212500 FREMONT CA 7.16
01/23 AMZN Mktp US*R06VS6MN0 WA 7.67
01/23 UALR REMOTE PAY 501-569-3202 AR 2,163.19
01/23 UALR REMOTE PAY 501-569-3202 AR 50.00
01/24 AMZN Mktp US*R02SO5L22 WA 8.61
01/25 AMZN Mktp US*R09PP5NE2 WA 28.36
01/29 AMZN Mktp US*R25221T90 WA 8.72
01/29 TRADER JOE S #127 LOS ALTOS CA 20.75
01/30 Netflix 1 8445052993 CA 15.49
01/30 ATT*BILL PAYMENT 800-288-2020 TX 300.35
02/01 APPLE.COM/BILL 866-712-7753 CA 2.99

Key Takeaways

  • pdfplumber provides an efficient and easy way to extract text from PDFs, even with complex layouts like bank statements.
  • You can extract text from entire pages or target specific sections using bounding boxes.
  • The library can handle multi-page PDFs and allows for flexible, structured text extraction, which is essential when processing large or complex documents.

Table Extraction with pdfplumber

PDFs often contain tabular data, which can be challenging to extract accurately due to variations in layout and formatting.

In this section, we’ll walk through the process of extracting tables from a PDF using the Bank of England Financials as an example:

The sample document can be accessed here.

pdfplumber includes powerful features to detect and extract tables from PDFs.

It can handle a variety of table structures, such as those with visible borders or invisible separators, by analysing the position of characters and lines within the document.

One of the main challenges of table extraction in PDFs is that tables are not always explicitly marked in the document.

Instead, they may consist of text elements that are aligned in a way that makes them appear as a table to the human eye, but the underlying PDF structure may not contain actual table metadata.

This makes automatic detection more complex. pdfplumber tackles this by using geometric analysis of the page’s content, looking for rows and columns based on character positioning and whitespace.

Let’s extract a table from the Bank of England Financials. Here’s a basic Python script that demonstrates how to do this:

# Import pdfplumber
import pdfplumber

# Open the PDF file (Bank of England Financials)
with"bank-of-england-financials.pdf") as pdf:
    # Access the first and only page of the PDF
    page = pdf.pages[0]

    # Extract tables from the page
    tables = page.extract_tables()

    # Iterate over tables and print them
    for i, table in enumerate(tables):
        print(f"Table {i + 1}:")
        for row in table:


  • page.extract_tables(): This method analyses the page and extracts any table-like structures based on text alignment, cell positioning, and spacing.
  • enumerate(tables): Loops over the extracted tables and prints each table row-by-row.

The extracted table might look something like this:

Table 1:
['', 'Note', '2023 (£mn)', '2022 (£mn)']
['Assets', '', '', '']
['Cash and balances with other central banks', '7', '6,406', '708']
['Loans and advances to banks and other financial institutions', '8', '192,784', '203,219']
['Other loans and advances', '9', '843,797', '896,134']
['Securities held at fair value through profit or loss', '13', '5,193', '9,969']
['Derivative financial instruments', '20', '493', '354']
['Securities held at amortised cost', '16', '16,619', '15,959']
['Securities held at fair value through other comprehensive\\nincome', '17', '1,495', '1,420']
['Investments in subsidiaries', '24', '-', '-']
['Inventories', '', '3', '2']
['Property, plant and equipment', '29', '391', '456']
['Intangible assets', '30', '237', '202']
['Retirement benefit assets', '26', '719', '1,279']
['Other assets', '31', '5,799', '654']
['Total assets', '', '1,073,936', '1,130,356']
['Liabilities', '', '', '']
['Deposits from central banks', '10', '17,533', '30,739']
['Deposits from banks and other financial institutions', '11', '913,168', '971,357']
['Deposits from banks - Cash Ratio Deposits', '18', '13,417', '13,043']
['Other deposits', '12', '106,937', '102,331']
['Foreign currency commercial paper in issue', '14', '5,598', '2,713']
['Foreign currency bonds in issue', '15', '6,447', '2,936']
['Derivative financial instruments', '20', '183', '97']
['Deferred tax liabilities', '34', '448', '559']
['Retirement benefit liabilities', '26', '133', '216']
['Other liabilities', '32', '4,648', '588']
['Total liabilities', '', '1,068,512', '1,124,579']

Extracting Tables with More Control (Improved Table Extraction)

Sometimes the default table extraction may miss certain elements or introduce inaccuracies, especially in more complex layouts.

You can use pdfplumber’s extract_table() method to get better control over the extraction process by specifying different strategies for extracting tables, such as accounting for the precise location of each cell.

# Import pdfplumber
import pdfplumber

# Open the PDF file (Bank of England Financials)
with"bank-of-england-financials.pdf") as pdf:
    # Access the first and only page of the PDF
    page = pdf.pages[0]

    # Use improved table extraction with edge detection
    table = page.extract_table({
        "vertical_strategy": "lines",  # Looks for vertical lines separating columns
        "horizontal_strategy": "text",  # Uses text positioning for rows
        "intersection_tolerance": 5,  # Adjusts for minor misalignment

    # Print the extracted table
    for row in table:


  • vertical_strategy and horizontal_strategy: These options let you choose how to detect the boundaries of cells. The vertical strategy uses lines to detect columns, while the horizontal strategy uses text positioning to detect rows.
  • intersection_tolerance: A parameter that defines how strictly pdfplumber aligns text elements to form rows and columns. This can be tweaked to improve extraction accuracy for slightly misaligned content.

This method gives better results for tables that may have irregular row or column layouts.

The extracted table might look something like this:

['', 'Note', '2023 (£mn)', '2022 (£mn)']
['', '', '', '']
['Assets', '', '', '']
['', '', '', '']
['Cash and balances with other central banks', '7', '6,406', '708']
['', '', '', '']
['Loans and advances to banks and other financial institutions', '8', '192,784', '203,219']
['', '', '', '']
['Other loans and advances', '9', '843,797', '896,134']
['', '', '', '']
['Securities held at fair value through profit or loss', '13', '5,193', '9,969']
['', '', '', '']
['Derivative financial instruments', '20', '493', '354']
['', '', '', '']
['Securities held at amortised cost', '16', '16,619', '15,959']
['', '', '', '']
['Securities held at fair value through other comprehensive', '', '', '']
['income', '17', '1,495', '1,420']
['', '', '', '']
['Investments in subsidiaries', '24', '-', '-']
['', '', '', '']
['Inventories', '', '3', '2']
['', '', '', '']
['Property, plant and equipment', '29', '391', '456']
['', '', '', '']
['Intangible assets', '30', '237', '202']
['', '', '', '']
['Retirement benefit assets', '26', '719', '1,279']
['', '', '', '']
['Other assets', '31', '5,799', '654']
['', '', '', '']
['Total assets', '', '1,073,936', '1,130,356']
['', '', '', '']
['Liabilities', '', '', '']
['', '', '', '']
['Deposits from central banks', '10', '17,533', '30,739']
['', '', '', '']
['Deposits from banks and other financial institutions', '11', '913,168', '971,357']
['', '', '', '']
['Deposits from banks - Cash Ratio Deposits', '18', '13,417', '13,043']
['', '', '', '']
['Other deposits', '12', '106,937', '102,331']
['', '', '', '']
['Foreign currency commercial paper in issue', '14', '5,598', '2,713']
['', '', '', '']
['Foreign currency bonds in issue', '15', '6,447', '2,936']
['', '', '', '']
['Derivative financial instruments', '20', '183', '97']
['', '', '', '']
['Deferred tax liabilities', '34', '448', '559']
['', '', '', '']
['Retirement benefit liabilities', '26', '133', '216']
['', '', '', '']
['Other liabilities', '32', '4,648', '588']
['', '', '', '']
['Total liabilities', '', '1,068,512', '1,124,579']

Key Takeaways

  • pdfplumber effectively detects and extracts tables from PDFs by analysing the document’s layout, including text and lines.
  • It provides different strategies for table extraction, allowing users to customize how tables are detected and parsed, making it versatile for complex financial documents like the Bank of England Financials.
  • Table extraction can sometimes require fine-tuning depending on the document layout, but pdfplumber offers the flexibility needed for accurate parsing.

Form and Handwritten Data Extraction with pdfplumber

When dealing with scanned documents, such as a scanned loan application, extracting form data or handwritten text poses additional challenges compared to extracting regular text from digital PDFs.

Scanned PDFs are essentially images embedded within a PDF file, meaning there is no inherent text layer to extract:

The sample document can be accessed here.

Instead, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) needs to be applied to interpret the characters in the image and convert them into machine-readable text.

pdfplumber can handle this scenario by working in conjunction with OCR tools like Tesseract, which performs the heavy lifting of extracting text from scanned images.

However, handwritten text, in particular, can be difficult to extract accurately due to its irregularity, varying styles, and potential ambiguity.

Let’s walk through an example where we:

  • Extract the image of the scanned page using pdfplumber.
  • Apply OCR (using Tesseract) to extract text, including any handwritten text.
  • Handle form fields, where possible, by locating areas within the PDF where input data is likely to exist.

Step 1: Installing Tesseract OCR

To use Tesseract for OCR, you’ll need to install it on your system. Here’s how you can install it:

On Linux:

 sudo apt install tesseract-ocr

On macOS (using Homebrew):

 brew install tesseract

On Windows, you can download the installer from here.

Also, install the Python wrapper for Tesseract:

pip install pytesseract

Step 2: Extracting the Scanned Image from the PDF

First, we’ll extract the image of the scanned page (or pages) from the scanned loan application using pdfplumber:

import pdfplumber
from PIL import Image
import pytesseract

# Open the PDF file (scanned loan application)
with"scanned_loan_application.pdf") as pdf:
    # Extract the first page (scanned document)
    first_page = pdf.pages[0]

    # Extract the page as an image
    image = first_page.to_image()

    # Save the image for OCR processing"loan_application_page.png")


  • to_image(): Converts the PDF page into an image, which can be further processed.
  •"loan_application_page.png"): Saves the scanned page as a PNG image, which we’ll use in the next step for OCR.

Step 3: Applying OCR to Extract Text and Handwritten Data

Once the image is extracted from the scanned PDF, we can use Tesseract to apply OCR and extract both printed and handwritten text:

# Load the saved image of the loan application
image_path = "loan_application_page.png"
ocr_text = pytesseract.image_to_string(

# Print the extracted text


  • pytesseract.image_to_string(): This function runs Tesseract OCR on the image, extracting both printed and handwritten text, and returns it as a string.

Output Example:

Uniform Residential Loan Application

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In this output, you can see that OCR successfully extracted printed text and some form data.

Step 4: Handling Form Data

For scanned documents that contain form fields, you may want to isolate specific parts of the document that are likely to contain important form data (such as names, signatures, or numbers).

This can be done by defining bounding boxes, similar to how you would extract specific sections of a PDF for text extraction.

Here’s how you can extract specific regions from the image that contain form fields:

import pdfplumber
import pytesseract

# Open the PDF file (scanned loan application)
with"Scanned Loan Application.pdf") as pdf:
    # Extract the first page (scanned document)
    first_page = pdf.pages[0]

    # Define a bounding box around the form field (x0, y0, x1, y1)
    bbox = (25, 150, 250, 200)  # Coordinates for the name field

    # Crop the image to focus on the form field
    cropped_image = first_page.within_bbox(bbox).to_image()"cropped_name_field.png")  # For debugging purposes

    # Apply OCR on the cropped image
    field_text = pytesseract.image_to_string(cropped_image.original)
    print("Extracted Form Field Data:\\n", field_text)

The output should look like this:

Extracted Form Field Data:
 Nave esas tet Sui

EMA ch@onnyeQ.


  • within_bbox(bbox): Isolates a specific region of the page (in this case, the name field) for OCR processing.
  • to_image(): Converts the cropped section into an image for OCR.
  • pytesseract.image_to_string(): Extracts the text from the cropped image.

Key Takeaways

  • pdfplumber combined with Tesseract OCR allows for effective extraction of text from scanned PDFs, even if they contain handwritten content.
  • While OCR works well for printed text, extracting handwritten data can still be prone to errors, particularly if the handwriting is unclear or inconsistent.
  • You can isolate specific regions of a scanned document to extract form data, making it easier to extract names, signatures, or financial data in a structured manner.

Layout Extraction (Chase Bank Statement)

Extracting structured data from PDFs like the Chase Bank Statement requires not just text or table extraction but also the ability to interpret and preserve the overall layout of the document.

Bank statements often include elements such as headings, account summaries, transaction tables, and footers, which must be understood in context.

Using pdfplumber, we can extract this structured information while preserving the page’s layout, which is critical for accurate data representation.

In this section, we will explore how to use pdfplumber to extract and maintain layout elements from a Chase Bank Statement. We’ll cover how to:

  • Extract text and preserve structure (such as headers and sections).
  • Interpret page structure, including margins, text blocks, and spacing.

Extracting Text and Preserving Structure

When working with PDFs like bank statements, we often need to extract text in a way that maintains the original structure, such as separating headings, subheadings, and sections.

pdfplumber provides several tools to help preserve layout structure, including access to text coordinates (x, y positions) and page dimensions.

Here’s a basic example that shows how to extract text from the Chase Bank Statement while preserving layout context:

import pdfplumber

# Open the Chase Bank Statement PDF
with"Chase Freedom Bank Statement.pdf") as pdf:
    # Access the pages
    for page in pdf.pages:
        # Extract all text from the page with detailed positional data
        page_text = page.extract_text(layout=True)

        # Print the extracted text with preserved structure
        print(f"Page {page.page_number}:\\n{page_text}\\n")


  • extract_text(layout=True): This argument helps maintain the relative positioning of text elements as they appear in the PDF, preserving line breaks and spaces between sections.

The resulting text will more closely resemble how it is visually laid out in the document, ensuring that headers and different sections remain distinct, as you can see in the output example:

Page 1:

                               New Balance                                        
                    February 2024                                                 
                 S M T W T F S                                                    
                               Minimum Payment Due                                
                 28 29 30 31 1 2 3        Previous points balance 40,468          
                 4 5 6 7 8 9 10           + 1% (1 Pt)/$1 earned on all purchases 5,085
                               Payment Due Date                                   
                 11 12 13 14 15 16 17                                             
                 18 19 20 21 22 23 24                                             
                 25 26 27 28 29 1 2       Start redeeming today. Visit Ultimate Rewards(r) at
                 3 4 5 6 7 8 9                                                    
                                          You always earn unlimited 1% cash back on all your purchases.
                Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your minimum payment Activate new bonus categories every quarter. You'll earn an
                by the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to additional 4% cash back, for a total of 5% cash back on up to
                $40.00 and your APR's will be subject to increase to a maximum $1,500 in combined bonus category purchases each quarter.
                Penalty APR of 29.99%.    Activate for free at, visit a Chase branch or
                Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the minimum call the number on the back of your card.
                payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you
                longer to pay off your balance. For example:                      
                 If you make no You will pay off the And you will end up          
                 additional charges balance shown on this paying an estimated     
                 using this card and statement in about... total of...            
                each month you pay...                                             
                 Only the minimum 15 years $12,128                                
                   $189    3 years $6,817                                         
                If you would like information about credit counseling services, call
                Account Number: 4342 3780 1050 7320                               
                Previous Balance    $4,233.99                                     
                Payment, Credits    -$4,233.99                                    
                Purchases           +$5,084.29                                    
                Cash Advances         $0.00                                       
                B`alance Transfers    $0.00                                       
                Fees Charged          $0.00                                       
                Interest Charged      $0.00                                       
                New Balance         $5,084.29                                     
                Opening/Closing Date 01/04/24 - 02/03/24                          
                Credit Access Line   $31,700                                      
                A`vailable Credit    $26,615                                      
                Cash Access Line     $1,585                                       
                Available for Cash   $1,585                                       
                Past Due Amount       $0.00                                       
                Balance over the Credit Access Line $0.00                         
                Reminder: It is important to continue making your payments on time. Your APRs may increase if the minimum payment is not made on
                time or payments are returned.                                    
                0000001 FIS33339 D 12 Y 9 03 24/02/03 Page 1 of 3 06610 MA MA34942 03410000120003494201
                   P.O. BOX 15123                                                 
                               AUTOPAY IS ON                                      
                WILMINGTON, DE 19850-5123                                         
                               See Your Account                                   
                 For Undeliverable Mail Only                                      
                               Messages for details.                              
                                               Account number: 4342 3780 1050 7320
                                           __________________________________________________..______________________ Amount Enclosed
                     34942 BEX 903424 D            AUTOPAY IS ON                  
                     LARRY PAGE                                                   
                     C PAGE                                                       
                     24917 KEYSTONE AVE                                           
                     LOS ANGELES CA 97015-5505                                    
                                                   CARDMEMBER SERVICE             
                                                   PO BOX 6294                    
                                                   CAROL STREAM IL 60197-6294     

Page 2:
                  Date of                                                         
                 Transaction     Merchant Name or Transaction Description $ Amount
                 01/28   AUTOMATIC PAYMENT - THANK YOU       -4,233.99            
                 01/04   LARRY HOPKINS HONDA 7074304151 CA    265.40              
                 01/04   CICEROS PIZZA SAN JOSE CA            28.18               
                 01/05   USPS PO 0545640143 LOS ALTOS CA      15.60               
                 01/07   TRINETHRA SUPER MARKET CUPERTINO CA   7.92               
                 01/04   SPEEDWAY 5447 LOS ALTOS HIL CA       31.94               
                 01/06   ATT*BILL PAYMENT 800-288-2020 TX     300.29              
                 01/07   AMZN Mktp US*RT4G124P0 WA 6.53             
                 01/07   AMZN Mktp US*RT0Y474Q0 WA 21.81            
                 01/05   HALAL MEATS SAN JOSE CA              24.33               
                 01/09   VIVINT INC/US 800-216-5232 UT        52.14               
                 01/09   COSTCO WHSE #0143 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA   75.57               
                 01/11   WALGREENS #689 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA      18.54               
                 01/12   GOOGLE *YouTubePremium CA 22.99            
                 01/13   FEDEX789226298200 Collierville TN    117.86              
                 01/19   SHELL OIL 57444212500 FREMONT CA      7.16               
                 01/19   LEXUS OF FREMONT FREMONT CA          936.10              
                 01/19   STARBUCKS STORE 10885 CUPERTINO CA   11.30               
                 01/22   TST* CHAAT BHAVAN MOUNTAI MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 28.95         
                 01/23   AMZN Mktp US*R06VS6MN0 WA 7.67             
                 01/23   UALR REMOTE PAY 501-569-3202 AR     2,163.19             
                 01/23   UALR REMOTE PAY 501-569-3202 AR      50.00               
                 01/24   AMZN Mktp US*R02SO5L22 WA 8.61             
                 01/24   TIRUPATHI BHIMAS MILPITAS CA         58.18               
                 01/25   AMZN Mktp US*R09PP5NE2 WA 28.36            
                 01/26   COSTCO WHSE #0143 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA   313.61              
                 01/29   AMZN Mktp US*R25221T90 WA 8.72             
                 01/29   COMCAST CALIFORNIA 800-COMCAST CA    97.00               
                 01/29   TRADER JOE S #127 LOS ALTOS CA       20.75               
                 01/30   Netflix 1 8445052993 CA              15.49               
                 01/30   ATT*BILL PAYMENT 800-288-2020 TX     300.35              
                 01/30   APNI MANDI FARMERS MARKE SUNNYVALE CA 36.76              
                 02/01   APPLE.COM/BILL 866-712-7753 CA        2.99               
                                     2024 Totals Year-to-Date                     
                               Total fees charged in 2024 $0.00                   
                               Total interest charged in 2024 $0.00               
                               YYeeaarr--ttoo--ddaattee ttoottaallss ddoo nnoott rreefflleecctt aannyy ffeeee oorr iinntteerreesstt rreeffuunnddss
                                     yyoouu mmaayy hhaavvee rreecceeiivveedd..    
                 Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account.
                                    Annual      Balance                           
                 Balance Type      Percentage  Subject To Interest                
                                   Rate (APR)  Interest Rate Charges              
                 Purchases        19.99%(v)(d)   - 0 - - 0 -                      
                 CASH ADVANCES                                                    
                 Cash Advances    29.99%(v)(d)   - 0 - - 0 -                      
                 BALANCE TRANSFERS                                                
                 Balance Transfers 19.99%(v)(d)  - 0 - - 0 -                      
                LARRY PAGE              Page2 of 3      Statement Date: 02/03/24  
                0000001 FIS33339 D 12 Y 9 03 24/02/03 Page 2 of 3 06610 MA MA34942 03410000120003494202

By using layout=True, the text output will reflect the bank statement’s structure, ensuring that sections like the account summary and transactions are logically separated.

Interpreting Page Structure

Beyond text and tables, pdfplumber can also help interpret the page layout by providing access to the geometric structure of the document.

This includes margins, spacing between text blocks, and the precise location of elements on the page.

Understanding these features can help when working with more complex layouts.

Here’s an example of how the output with the layout structure:

import pdfplumber

# Open the Chase Bank Statement PDF
with"Chase Freedom Bank Statement.pdf") as pdf:
    # Access the first page
    first_page = pdf.pages[0]

    # Extract layout elements
    page_layout = first_page.extract_words()

    # Print each word with its positional data
    for word in page_layout:


  • extract_words(): Extracts individual words along with their positional data (e.g., x and y coordinates), font size, and width/height, allowing you to interpret the layout more precisely.

The output will provide detailed information about each word’s placement, which can be useful when reconstructing the page’s layout or when extracting specific regions, as show in the output example:

{'text': 'SCENARIO-1D', 'x0': 277.14288220000003, 'x1': 317.1272084506721, 'top': 69.29246326383998, 'doctop': 69.29246326383998, 'bottom': 75.14325727183996, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 39.98432625067204, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'New', 'x0': 222.8571646, 'x1': 234.558752616, 'top': 82.86389266383992, 'doctop': 82.86389266383992, 'bottom': 88.7146866718399, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 11.701588015999988, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'Balance', 'x0': 236.185273350224, 'x1': 257.324192101128, 'top': 82.86389266383992, 'doctop': 82.86389266383992, 'bottom': 88.7146866718399, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 21.138918750903997, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'February', 'x0': 144.29366774, 'x1': 167.70269456600798, 'top': 86.6337341638399, 'doctop': 86.6337341638399, 'bottom': 92.48452817183988, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 23.409026826007988, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '2024', 'x0': 170.95573603445598, 'x1': 183.967901908248, 'top': 86.6337341638399, 'doctop': 86.6337341638399, 'bottom': 92.48452817183988, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 13.012165873792014, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'S', 'x0': 121.52382508, 'x1': 125.426304683336, 'top': 97.49087768383993, 'doctop': 97.49087768383993, 'bottom': 103.3416716918399, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.9024796033360047, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'M', 'x0': 134.71827033, 'x1': 139.591981738664, 'top': 97.49087768383993, 'doctop': 97.49087768383993, 'bottom': 103.3416716918399, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 4.873711408664008, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'T', 'x0': 148.81747754, 'x1': 152.392312678888, 'top': 97.49087768383993, 'doctop': 97.49087768383993, 'bottom': 103.3416716918399, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.5748351388880053, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'W', 'x0': 161.48414498, 'x1': 167.007294523552, 'top': 97.49087768383993, 'doctop': 97.49087768383993, 'bottom': 103.3416716918399, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 5.523149543551995, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'T', 'x0': 175.96033634, 'x1': 179.535171478888, 'top': 97.49087768383993, 'doctop': 97.49087768383993, 'bottom': 103.3416716918399, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.5748351388880053, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'F', 'x0': 189.53176574, 'x1': 193.106600878888, 'top': 97.49087768383993, 'doctop': 97.49087768383993, 'bottom': 103.3416716918399, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.5748351388880053, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'S', 'x0': 202.95240148, 'x1': 206.85488108333598, 'top': 97.49087768383993, 'doctop': 97.49087768383993, 'bottom': 103.3416716918399, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.9024796033359905, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'Minimum', 'x0': 222.8571646, 'x1': 246.58213430244, 'top': 103.1456399338399, 'doctop': 103.1456399338399, 'bottom': 108.99643394183988, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 23.724969702440006, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'Payment', 'x0': 248.208655036664, 'x1': 271.29588819223204, 'top': 103.1456399338399, 'doctop': 103.1456399338399, 'bottom': 108.99643394183988, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 23.087233155568043, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'Due', 'x0': 272.922408926456, 'x1': 283.652765137128, 'top': 103.1456399338399, 'doctop': 103.1456399338399, 'bottom': 108.99643394183988, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 10.730356210671971, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '28', 'x0': 120.24207897, 'x1': 126.748161906896, 'top': 108.34802120383995, 'doctop': 108.34802120383995, 'bottom': 114.19881521183993, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 6.506082936896007, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '29', 'x0': 133.81350837, 'x1': 140.319591306896, 'top': 108.34802120383995, 'doctop': 108.34802120383995, 'bottom': 114.19881521183993, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 6.506082936896007, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '30', 'x0': 147.38493777, 'x1': 153.891020706896, 'top': 108.34802120383995, 'doctop': 108.34802120383995, 'bottom': 114.19881521183993, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 6.506082936896007, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '31', 'x0': 160.95636717, 'x1': 167.462450106896, 'top': 108.34802120383995, 'doctop': 108.34802120383995, 'bottom': 114.19881521183993, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 6.506082936896007, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '1', 'x0': 176.11113, 'x1': 179.364171468448, 'top': 108.34802120383995, 'doctop': 108.34802120383995, 'bottom': 114.19881521183993, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.2530414684480036, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '2', 'x0': 189.6825594, 'x1': 192.935600868448, 'top': 108.34802120383995, 'doctop': 108.34802120383995, 'bottom': 114.19881521183993, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.2530414684480036, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '3', 'x0': 203.2539888, 'x1': 206.507030268448, 'top': 108.34802120383995, 'doctop': 108.34802120383995, 'bottom': 114.19881521183993, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.2530414684480036, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'Previous', 'x0': 307.3016142, 'x1': 330.06120289112, 'top': 109.78056097384001, 'doctop': 109.78056097384001, 'bottom': 115.63135498183999, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 22.759588691119973, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'points', 'x0': 331.687723625344, 'x1': 347.297642038688, 'top': 109.78056097384001, 'doctop': 109.78056097384001, 'bottom': 115.63135498183999, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 15.609918413344019, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'balance', 'x0': 348.92416277291204, 'x1': 369.413643388928, 'top': 109.78056097384001, 'doctop': 109.78056097384001, 'bottom': 115.63135498183999, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 20.489480616015953, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '40,468', 'x0': 458.0952742, 'x1': 475.987002276464, 'top': 109.78056097384001, 'doctop': 109.78056097384001, 'bottom': 115.63135498183999, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 17.891728076464005, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '4', 'x0': 121.82541239999999, 'x1': 125.078453868448, 'top': 119.20516472383997, 'doctop': 119.20516472383997, 'bottom': 125.05595873183995, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.2530414684480036, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '5', 'x0': 135.3968418, 'x1': 138.649883268448, 'top': 119.20516472383997, 'doctop': 119.20516472383997, 'bottom': 125.05595873183995, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.2530414684480036, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '6', 'x0': 148.9682712, 'x1': 152.221312668448, 'top': 119.20516472383997, 'doctop': 119.20516472383997, 'bottom': 125.05595873183995, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.2530414684480036, 'direction': 'ltr'}
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{'text': '8', 'x0': 176.11113, 'x1': 179.364171468448, 'top': 119.20516472383997, 'doctop': 119.20516472383997, 'bottom': 125.05595873183995, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.2530414684480036, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '9', 'x0': 189.6825594, 'x1': 192.935600868448, 'top': 119.20516472383997, 'doctop': 119.20516472383997, 'bottom': 125.05595873183995, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.2530414684480036, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '10', 'x0': 201.67065537000002, 'x1': 208.17673830689603, 'top': 119.20516472383997, 'doctop': 119.20516472383997, 'bottom': 125.05595873183995, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 6.506082936896007, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '+', 'x0': 307.3016142, 'x1': 310.71847790067204, 'top': 117.39564080383991, 'doctop': 117.39564080383991, 'bottom': 123.24643481183989, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 3.4168637006720246, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '1%', 'x0': 312.344998634896, 'x1': 320.799395976456, 'top': 117.39564080383991, 'doctop': 117.39564080383991, 'bottom': 123.24643481183989, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 8.454397341560025, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '(1', 'x0': 322.42591671068004, 'x1': 327.627272583792, 'top': 117.39564080383991, 'doctop': 117.39564080383991, 'bottom': 123.24643481183989, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 5.201355873111936, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'Pt)/$1', 'x0': 329.25379331801605, 'x1': 344.86371173136, 'top': 117.39564080383991, 'doctop': 117.39564080383991, 'bottom': 123.24643481183989, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 15.609918413343962, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'earned', 'x0': 346.49023246558403, 'x1': 364.70375421248804, 'top': 117.39564080383991, 'doctop': 117.39564080383991, 'bottom': 123.24643481183989, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 18.213521746904007, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'on', 'x0': 366.33027494671205, 'x1': 372.836357883608, 'top': 117.39564080383991, 'doctop': 117.39564080383991, 'bottom': 123.24643481183989, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 6.50608293689595, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'all', 'x0': 374.4628786178321, 'x1': 380.313672625832, 'top': 117.39564080383991, 'doctop': 117.39564080383991, 'bottom': 123.24643481183989, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 5.850794007999923, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'purchases', 'x0': 381.940193360056, 'x1': 408.92990611896005, 'top': 117.39564080383991, 'doctop': 117.39564080383991, 'bottom': 123.24643481183989, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 26.989712758904034, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '5,085', 'x0': 461.33733789, 'x1': 475.976024498016, 'top': 117.39564080383991, 'doctop': 117.39564080383991, 'bottom': 123.24643481183989, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 14.638686608015973, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'Payment', 'x0': 222.8571646, 'x1': 245.944397755568, 'top': 123.57818086383998, 'doctop': 123.57818086383998, 'bottom': 129.42897487183996, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 23.087233155567986, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'Due', 'x0': 247.570918489792, 'x1': 258.301274700464, 'top': 123.57818086383998, 'doctop': 123.57818086383998, 'bottom': 129.42897487183996, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 10.730356210671971, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': 'Date', 'x0': 259.927795434688, 'x1': 272.284672379584, 'top': 123.57818086383998, 'doctop': 123.57818086383998, 'bottom': 129.42897487183996, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 12.356876944895987, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '11', 'x0': 120.24207897, 'x1': 126.748161906896, 'top': 130.06230824384, 'doctop': 130.06230824384, 'bottom': 135.91310225183997, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 6.506082936896007, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '12', 'x0': 133.81350837, 'x1': 140.319591306896, 'top': 130.06230824384, 'doctop': 130.06230824384, 'bottom': 135.91310225183997, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 6.506082936896007, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '13', 'x0': 147.38493777, 'x1': 153.891020706896, 'top': 130.06230824384, 'doctop': 130.06230824384, 'bottom': 135.91310225183997, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 6.506082936896007, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '14', 'x0': 160.95636717, 'x1': 167.462450106896, 'top': 130.06230824384, 'doctop': 130.06230824384, 'bottom': 135.91310225183997, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 6.506082936896007, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '15', 'x0': 174.52779657000002, 'x1': 181.03387950689603, 'top': 130.06230824384, 'doctop': 130.06230824384, 'bottom': 135.91310225183997, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 6.506082936896007, 'direction': 'ltr'}
{'text': '16', 'x0': 188.09922597000002, 'x1': 194.60530890689603, 'top': 130.06230824384, 'doctop': 130.06230824384, 'bottom': 135.91310225183997, 'upright': True, 'height': 5.85079400799998, 'width': 6.506082936896007, 'direction': 'ltr'}

## Output shortened for brevity #


  • The output contains details about each word’s position on the page, including the coordinates (x0, x1, top, bottom). These coordinates can be used to recreate the layout or extract specific sections based on their location.

Key Takeaways

  • pdfplumber can effectively extract not just the content of a PDF but also maintain its layout, ensuring that structured documents like bank statements are parsed correctly.
  • By using options like layout=True, you can ensure that the text structure remains intact, preserving important divisions between sections.
  • By accessing word-level positional data, pdfplumber provides a detailed understanding of the page structure, which is useful for complex documents with varied layouts.

Strengths and Limitations of pdfplumber


  • Granular Control Over PDF Parsing: pdfplumber offers fine-grained control over PDF parsing by allowing users to extract specific elements from a document, such as text, tables, and images, based on their exact location. This makes it particularly useful for documents with complex layouts, such as financial reports or invoices. Its ability to provide detailed positional data of text blocks and tables is a key advantage when precision is needed.
  • Table Extraction Capabilities: One of the standout features of pdfplumber is its ability to extract tables from PDFs with a high degree of accuracy. Whether the tables have visible borders or are simply structured text, pdfplumber detects the alignment of rows and columns to extract data in a structured format. This is especially useful for extracting data from financial reports or transaction tables.
  • Flexibility with Layout: pdfplumber can preserve the layout of text as it appears in the original PDF by providing positional information, which helps maintain the structural integrity of the document. For documents where the arrangement of information is crucial, like bank statements or official forms, this feature ensures that the extracted data mirrors the original document’s format.
  • Scalability: pdfplumber is capable of processing multi-page PDFs efficiently, making it suitable for large-scale document processing. It handles complex documents with multiple sections, tables, and images, allowing for the extraction of data across all pages in an organized manner.
  • Python Integration: As a Python library, pdfplumber is easily integrated into data pipelines and workflows, especially for developers familiar with Python. It works well with other libraries such as pandas and Tesseract for enhanced functionality (e.g., OCR for scanned PDFs), making it a versatile tool for different use cases.


  • Limited OCR Capabilities: While pdfplumber excels at extracting data from digital PDFs, it struggles with scanned PDFs and handwritten documents because it does not natively include OCR functionality. Users need to rely on external tools like Tesseract for text extraction from images, which adds complexity and may lead to less accurate results, particularly with handwritten or poorly scanned documents.
  • Challenges with Complex or Ambiguous Layouts: Though pdfplumber is effective with well-structured documents, it can have difficulty interpreting PDFs with more complex or non-standard layouts. For example, PDFs with irregular tables, merged cells, or overlapping elements may require manual intervention to ensure correct data extraction. The bounding box method, while useful, may not always work seamlessly in every case, especially for documents with non-uniform designs.
  • Inconsistent Results Across PDFs: The accuracy and performance of pdfplumber can vary greatly depending on the quality and format of the PDF. For instance, PDFs generated from scans, with poor image quality or low-resolution content, can result in incomplete or incorrect extractions. Additionally, certain types of documents, such as forms with non-standard fields, may require more customization and tweaking to extract data properly.
  • Performance and Speed: While pdfplumber is highly effective, it can be slower when processing large PDFs or those with intricate layouts (e.g., PDFs with many images or complex tables). This may pose a challenge for users who need to process a large volume of documents quickly, as performance can degrade with more complex tasks.
  • Lack of Built-in Error Handling: In some cases, pdfplumber does not handle extraction errors or edge cases very gracefully. Users need to implement custom error handling, especially when working with documents that contain varying layouts across different pages. For instance, if one page contains a table while another has a free-form text layout, pdfplumber may not always differentiate or process both formats cleanly without manual adjustments.

Introduction to LLMWhisperer

LLMWhisperer is an advanced PDF parsing tool that leverages the power of large language models (LLMs) to extract data from PDFs in a more intuitive and context-aware manner.

Key Features and Strengths

  • Context-Aware Parsing: LLMWhisperer utilizes language models to interpret the context of text within the document, meaning it can distinguish between headings, body text, and footnotes even if the formatting is not consistent. It excels at extracting meaningful data from unstructured or semi-structured documents, such as legal contracts, business reports, and scanned forms.
  • Superior OCR Capabilities: One of LLMWhisperer’s strengths is its integration with cutting-edge OCR technology that works well with both printed and handwritten text. It can accurately extract text from scanned documents, including complex handwriting, making it particularly suitable for forms and applications that have both typed and handwritten elements.
  • Efficient Multi-Document Parsing: LLMWhisperer is designed to handle large volumes of PDFs at scale, making it ideal for batch processing of reports, statements, and forms. Its intelligent parsing capabilities allow for faster extraction while maintaining high accuracy, even across multi-page documents.
  • Natural Language Understanding: Leveraging LLMs enables LLMWhisperer to not only extract text but also infer the meaning behind certain text elements. For example, it can identify key financial metrics in a report or recognize sensitive information like signatures, dates, or legal clauses. This capability gives it an edge when parsing documents with nuanced content.

LLM Whisperer is specifically designed to convert documents in a way that LLMs can best understand.

Comparison with pdfplumber

LLMWhisperer and pdfplumber both serve the purpose of extracting data from PDFs, but they approach the task differently.

Handling of Complex LayoutsExcels with structured PDFs (clear tables, well-formatted sections). Struggles with irregular or ambiguous layouts.Uses language models to infer structure in irregular or ambiguous layouts. More flexible for less structured documents.
OCR and Handwriting RecognitionRelies on external tools like Tesseract for OCR. Struggles with handwritten content.Integrates advanced OCR that handles both printed and handwritten text. Superior for scanned documents with handwriting.
Context AwarenessExtracts raw text and tables without understanding context or meaning.Parses text with context awareness, intelligently interpreting sections and key metrics (e.g., revenue, expenses).

pdfplumber vs. LLMWhisperer: Comparing Extraction Quality

We’ll now compare how LLMWhisperer performs on three key documents: the Bank of England Financials, the scanned loan application, and the Chase Bank Statement.

Bank of England Financials (Table Extraction)

LLMWhisperer handles financial reports like the Bank of England Financials with a strong focus on context-aware extraction.

LLMWhisperer Code Example:

from unstract.llmwhisperer.client import LLMWhispererClient

# Initialize the client with your API key
client = LLMWhispererClient(base_url="<>",

# Extract tables from the PDF
result = client.whisper(file_path="bank-of-england-financials.pdf", output_mode="line-printer")
extracted_text = result["extracted_text"]

# Print the extracted text

LLMWhisperer Output:

Bank of England                                                                    Page 111 

 Banking Department statement of financial 

position as at 28 February 2023 

                                                          Note    2023 (£mn)    2022 (£mn) 


 Cash and balances with other central banks                  7         6,406           708 

 Loans and advances to banks and other financial institutions 8      192,784       203,219 

 Other loans and advances                                    9       843,797       896,134 

 Securities held at fair value through profit or loss       13         5,193         9,969 

 Derivative financial instruments                           20           493           354 

 Securities held at amortised cost                          16         16,619        15,959 

 Securities held at fair value through other comprehensive 
 income                                                     17          1,495         1,420 

 Investments in subsidiaries                                24             -             - 

 Inventories                                                               3             2 

 Property, plant and equipment                              29           391           456 

 Intangible assets                                          30           237           202 

 Retirement benefit assets                                  26           719          1,279 

 Other assets                                               31         5,799           654 

 Total assets                                                       1,073,936     1,130,356 


 Deposits from central banks                                10        17,533        30,739 

 Deposits from banks and other financial institutions       11       913,168       971,357 

 Deposits from banks - Cash Ratio Deposits                  18        13,417         13,043 

 Other deposits                                             12        106,937       102,331 

 Foreign currency commercial paper in issue                 14         5,598         2,713 

 Foreign currency bonds in issue                            15         6,447         2,936 

 Derivative financial instruments                           20           183            97 

 Deferred tax liabilities                                   34           448           559 

 Retirement benefit liabilities                             26           133           216 

 Other liabilities                                          32         4,648           588 

 Total liabilities                                                  1,068,512     1,124,579 

Scanned Loan Application (Handwriting and Form Data Extraction)

When extracting form and handwritten data, LLMWhisperer’s advanced OCR capabilities offer superior accuracy in identifying handwritten text.LLMWhisperer Code Example:

from unstract.llmwhisperer.client import LLMWhispererClient

# Initialize the client with your API key
client = LLMWhispererClient(base_url="<>",

# Extract tables from the PDF
result = client.whisper(file_path="Scanned Loan Application.pdf", output_mode="line-printer")
extracted_text = result["extracted_text"]

# Print the extracted text

LLMWhisperer Output:

To be completed by the Lender: 
 Lender Loan No./Universal Loan Identifier                                                        Agency Case No. 

Uniform       Residential Loan Application 
Verify and complete the information on this application. If you are applying for this loan with others, each additional Borrower must provide 
information as directed by your Lender. 

Section 1: Borrower Information. This section asks about your personal information and your income from 
employment and other sources, such as retirement, that you want considered to qualify for this loan. 

 1a. Personal Information 
Name (First, Middle, Last, Suffix)                                            Social Security Number 175-678-910 
  IMA         CARDHOLDER                                                      (or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) 
Alternate Names - List any names by which you are known or any names          Date of Birth            Citizenship 
under which credit was previously received (First, Middle, Last, Suffix)      (mm/dd/yyyy)             [X] U.S. Citizen 
                                                                               08 /31 / 1977           [ ] Permanent Resident Alien 
                                                                                                       [ ] Non-Permanent Resident Alien 
Type of Credit                                                                List Name(s) of Other Borrower(s) Applying for this Loan 
[X] I am applying for individual credit.                                      (First, Middle, Last, Suffix) - Use a separator between names 
[ ] I am applying for joint credit. Total Number of Borrowers: 
   Each Borrower intends to apply for joint credit. Your initials: 

Marital Status             Dependents (not listed by another Borrower)        Contact Information 
[X] Married                Number                                             Home Phone (         ) 
[ ] Separated               Ages                                              Cell Phone    (408) 123-4567 
[ ] Unmarried                                                                 Work Phone     (                           Ext. 
   (Single, Divorced, Widowed, Civil Union, Domestic Partnership, Registered 
   Reciprocal Beneficiary Relationship)                                       Email 
Current Address 
Street 1024, SULLIVAN                  STREET                                                                        Unit # 
City    LOS      ANGELES                                                           State CA     ZIP 90210          Country USA 
How Long at Current Address? 3 Years 5 Months Housing [ ] No primary housing expense [ ] Own [X] Rent ($ 1,300                    /month) 

If at Current Address for LESS than 2 years, list Former Address     [X] Does not apply 
Street                                                                                                                Unit # 
City                                                                               State         ZIP               Country 
How Long at Former Address?       Years      Months Housing [ ] No primary housing expense [ ] Own [ ] Rent ($                    /month) 

Mailing Address - if different from Current Address [X] Does not apply 
Street                                                                                                                Unit # 
City                                                                               State         ZIP               Country 

 1b. Current Employment/Self-Employment and Income              [ ] Does not apply 
                                                                                                           Gross Monthly Income 
Employer or Business Name      CAFFIENATED                              Phone (408) 109-8765 
                                                                                                           Base       $ 8000       /month 
Street 2048, MAIN              STREET                                               Unit # 
                                                                                                           Overtime   $            /month 
City   LOS     ANGELES                            State CA     ZIP 90210          Country USA 
                                                                                                           Bonus      $            /month 
Position or Title CEO                                         Check if this statement applies:             Commission $        0.00 /month 
Start Date                                                     [ ] I am employed by a family member, 
                                                                 property seller, real estate agent, or other Military 
How long in this line of work? 15 Years 5 Months                 party to the transaction.                 Entitlements $          /month 
                                                                                                           Other      $            /month 
[X] Check if you are the Business [ ] I have an ownership share of less than 25%. Monthly Income (or Loss) 
                                                                                                           TOTAL $ 8000            /month 
   Owner or Self-Employed         [X] I have an ownership share of 25% or more. $ 8000 

Uniform Residential Loan Application 
Freddie Mac Form 65 · Fannie Mae Form 1003 
Effective 1/2021 

                        DRIVER LICENSE 

                                    CLASS C 
                DL /1234568 

                 EXP 08/31/2014     END NONE 
                 2570 24TH STREET 
                 ANYTOWN. CA 35818 
                RSTR NONE                 08311977 

                      SEX F    HAIR BRN EYES BRN 
Ima Cardholder        HGT 5'-05" WGT 125 1b 

Chase Bank Statement (Text, Table, and Layout Extraction)

For structured documents like the Chase Bank Statement, LLMWhisperer goes further by understanding sections like account summaries and transaction categories.LLMWhisperer Code Example:

from unstract.llmwhisperer.client import LLMWhispererClient

# Initialize the client with your API key
client = LLMWhispererClient(base_url="<>",

# Extract tables from the PDF
result = client.whisper(file_path="Chase Freedom Bank Statement.pdf", output_mode="line-printer")
extracted_text = result["extracted_text"]

# Print the extracted text

LLMWhisperer Output:

                                  Manage your account online at: Customer Service: Mobile: Download the 
                                                                   1-800-524-3880      Chase MobileÂ(r) 
         freedomÂ(r)                                                app today 

                              New Balance 
         February 2024                                CHASE FREEDOM: ULTIMATE 
  S   M   T W     T F    S     $5,084.29              REWARDSÂ(r) SUMMARY 
                              Minimum Payment Due 
  28 29   30 31   1 2    3                            Previous points balance                   40,468 
  4   5   6   7   8 9    10                           + 1% (1 Pt)/$1 earned on all purchases     5,085 
                              Payment Due Date 
  11 12   13 14 15   16 17                            Total points available for 
  18 19   20 21 22   23 24 
                                                      redemption                            45,553 
  25 26   27 28 29    1 2                             Start redeeming today. Visit Ultimate RewardsÂ(r) at 
  3   4   5   6   7 8    9 

                                                      You always earn unlimited 1% cash back on all your purchases. 
Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your minimum payment Activate new bonus categories every quarter. You'll earn an 
by the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to additional 4% cash back, for a total of 5% cash back on up to 
$40.00 and your APR's will be subject to increase to a maximum $1,500 in combined bonus category purchases each quarter. 
Penalty APR of 29.99%.                                Activate for free at, visit a Chase branch or 
                                                      call the number on the back of your card. 
Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the minimum 
payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you 
longer to pay off your balance. For example: 

   If you make no You will pay off the And you will end up 
  additional charges balance shown on this paying an estimated 
  using this card and statement in about ... total of ... 
 each month you pay ... 

  Only the minimum     15 years        $12,128 

       $189            3 years          $6,817 

If you would like information about credit counseling services, call 

Account Number: 4342 3780 1050 7320 
Previous Balance                         $4,233.99 
Payment, Credits                         -$4,233.99 
Purchases                               +$5,084.29 
Cash Advances                                $0.00 
Balance Transfers                           $0.00 
Fees Charged                                 $0.00 
Interest Charged                             $0.00 
New Balance                              $5,084.29 
Opening/Closing Date              01/04/24 - 02/03/24 
Credit Access Line                         $31,700 
Available Credit                           $26,615 
Cash Access Line                            $1,585 
Available for Cash                          $1,585 
 Past Due Amount                            $0.00 
 Balance over the Credit Access Line        $0.00 


Reminder: It is important to continue making your payments on time. Your APRs may increase if the minimum payment is not made on 
time or payments are returned. 

Your next AutoPay payment for $5,084.29 will be deducted from your Pay From account and credited on your due 
date. If your due date falls on a Saturday, we'll credit your payment the Friday before. 

0000001 FIS33339 D 12           Y 9 03 24/02/03      Page 1 of 3   06610 MA MA 34942 03410000120003494201 


       P.O. BOX 15123 
                                AUTOPAY IS ON        Payment Due Date:                         02/28/24 
  WILMINGTON, DE 19850-5123 
                                See Your Account     New Balance:                             $5,084.29 
   For Undeliverable Mail Only 
                               Messages for details. Minimum Payment Due:                       $50.00 

                                                               Account number: 4342 3780 1050 7320 

                                                       $                                   Amount Enclosed 
          34942 BEX 9 03424 D                                           AUTOPAY IS ON 
          LARRY PAGE 
          C PAGE 
          24917 KEYSTONE AVE 
          LOS ANGELES CA 97015-5505 
                                                                        CARDMEMBER SERVICE 
                                                                        PO BOX 6294 
                                                                        CAROL STREAM IL 60197-6294 


                                     Manage your account online at: Customer Service: Mobile: Download the 
                                  1-800-524-3880    Chase MobileÂ(r) app today 

      Your AutoPay amount will be reduced by any payments or merchant credits that post to your account before we 
     process your AutoPay payment. If the total of these payments and merchant credits is more than your set AutoPay 
     amount, your AutoPay payment for that month will be zero. 


        Date of 
      Transaction                   Merchant Name or Transaction Description             $ Amount 

      01/28           AUTOMATIC PAYMENT - THANK YOU                                      -4,233.99 

      01/04           LARRY HOPKINS HONDA 7074304151 CA                                    265.40 
      01/04           CICEROS PIZZA SAN JOSE CA                                             28.18 
      01/05           USPS PO 0545640143 LOS ALTOS CA                                       15.60 
      01/07           TRINETHRA SUPER MARKET CUPERTINO CA                                   7.92 
      01/04           SPEEDWAY 5447 LOS ALTOS HIL CA                                       31.94 
      01/06           ATT*BILL PAYMENT 800-288-2020 TX                                     300.29 
      01/07           AMZN Mktp US*RT4G124P0 WA                               6.53 
      01/07           AMZN Mktp US*RTOY474Q0 WA                               21.81 
      01/05           HALAL MEATS SAN JOSE CA                                               24.33 
      01/09           VIVINT INC/US 800-216-5232 UT                                        52.14 
      01/09           COSTCO WHSE #0143 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA                                    75.57 
      01/11           WALGREENS #689 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA                                       18.54 
      01/12           GOOGLE *YouTubePremium CA                               22.99 
      01/13           FEDEX789226298200 Collierville TN                                    117.86 
      01/19           SHELL OIL 57444212500 FREMONT CA                                      7.16 
      01/19           LEXUS OF FREMONT FREMONT CA                                          936.10 
      01/19           STARBUCKS STORE 10885 CUPERTINO CA                                    11.30 
      01/22           TST* CHAAT BHAVAN MOUNTAI MOUNTAIN VIEW CA                            28.95 
      01/23           AMZN Mktp US*R06VS6MNO WA                               7.67 
      01/23           UALR REMOTE PAY 501-569-3202 AR                                    2,163.19 
      01/23           UALR REMOTE PAY 501-569-3202 AR                                      50.00 
      01/24           AMZN Mktp US*R02SO5L22 WA                               8.61 
      01/24           TIRUPATHI BHIMAS MILPITAS CA                                         58.18 
      01/25           AMZN Mktp US*R09PP5NE2 WA                               28.36 
      01/26           COSTCO WHSE #0143 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA                                   313.61 
      01/29           AMZN Mktp US*R25221T90 WA                               8.72 
      01/29           COMCAST CALIFORNIA 800-COMCAST CA                                    97.00 
      01/29           TRADER JOE S #127 LOS ALTOS CA                                        20.75 
      01/30           Netflix 1 8445052993 CA                                               15.49 
      01/30           ATT*BILL PAYMENT 800-288-2020 TX                                     300.35 
      01/30           APNI MANDI FARMERS MARKE SUNNYVALE CA                                 36.76 
      02/01           APPLE.COM/BILL 866-712-7753 CA                                        2.99 

                                            2024 Totals Year-to-Date 
                                 Total fees charged in 2024         $0.00 
                                 Total interest charged in 2024     $0.00 

                                 Year-to-date totals do not reflect any fee or interest refunds 
                                             you may have received. 


      Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. 
                                         Annual                 Balance 
     Balance Type                       Percentage             Subject To   Interest 
                                        Rate (APR)            Interest Rate Charges 

       Purchases                      19.99%(v) (d)               - 0 -       - 0 - 
       Cash Advances                  29.99%(v) (d)              - 0 -        - 0 - 
       Balance Transfers              19.99%(v)(d)                - 0 -       - 0 - 

    LARRY PAGE                                   Page 2 of 3                    Statement Date: 02/03/24 
    0000001 FIS33339 D 12         Y 9 03 24/02/03    Page 2 of 3   06610 MA MA 34942 03410000120003494202 

Comparison Table

Use CasepdfplumberLLMWhisperer
Handling Scanned Documents– Requires external OCR (e.g., Tesseract).
– Struggles with handwriting and complex forms.
– Requires manual adjustments.
– Built-in advanced OCR handles both printed and handwritten text.
– Accurately extracts data from forms without manual intervention.
– Superior for scanned forms.
Performance and Speed– Effective for structured PDFs but slows down with large, complex documents.
– Manual correction may be needed for irregular layouts.
– Fast and efficient for large-scale batch processing.
– Optimized for complex layouts and high-volume document parsing.
– Automates both extraction and interpretation.


pdfplumber is a powerful PDF parsing tool that excels at extracting structured data, particularly from well-formatted documents. Its key strengths lie in its ability to extract tables and text with fine control over the layout, making it ideal for digital PDFs with clear boundaries and sections, such as financial statements or reports.

pdfplumber also integrates well with Python workflows, providing developers with flexibility and precision in text and table extraction. However, it faces limitations when dealing with more complex or unstructured layouts, scanned documents, or handwritten content.

It also relies on external OCR tools like Tesseract for processing scanned PDFs, which can lead to less accurate results, especially for handwritten data.

In contrast, LLMWhisperer offers a more advanced solution for parsing PDFs, particularly in scenarios where the document includes mixed content like handwritten text or has ambiguous, unstructured layouts.

LLMWhisperer leverages natural language processing (NLP) and cutting-edge OCR technology, enabling it to understand the context behind the extracted text, intelligently interpret complex forms, and process large volumes of documents more efficiently.

Its ability to handle both printed and handwritten content in scanned documents makes it a superior choice for forms and applications. Additionally, LLMWhisperer excels at providing context-aware data extraction, offering insights into the extracted information that pdfplumber cannot provide.

Final Thoughts

When deciding between pdfplumber and LLMWhisperer, the choice largely depends on the type of document and the complexity of the content you need to extract:

  • Use pdfplumber if you are working with well-structured, digital PDFs where table extraction and precise control over layout are essential. It is ideal for processing documents like financial reports, invoices, or any PDF where the structure is clear and consistent.
  • Use LLMWhisperer if your document parsing needs involve scanned PDFs, handwritten forms, or complex layouts that require context-aware extraction. LLMWhisperer is the better option for documents with unstructured or mixed content, such as loan applications, legal contracts, or reports with ambiguous formatting. It also excels in large-scale document processing tasks where speed and accuracy are critical.

If you want to take it for a test drive quickly, you can check out our free playground.

In summary, while both tools have their strengths, LLMWhisperer offers a more versatile and intelligent solution for handling a wider range of PDF parsing challenges, particularly those involving complex or unstructured documents.