A Primer on AI Invoice Data Extraction and Processing

AI invoice processing with Unstract
Table of Contents


This article examines the challenges involved in processing invoices and demonstrates how using Large Language Models (LLMs) can enable new ways of handling invoices.

If you wish to skip directly to the solution section, where you can see how Unstract uses AI to extract data from various types of invoices, click here.

What is invoice processing?

Despite the seemingly straightforward nature of invoices, the process of managing them—especially in large volumes—can be complex and labour-intensive. Businesses often receive invoices in various formats, including paper, email, PDFs, or electronic data interchange (EDI). Each format may contain structured data, like tables detailing line items, and unstructured data, such as free-text descriptions, logos, and images. The challenge lies in accurately extracting this diverse information to ensure smooth financial operations.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, invoice processing is a critical task that lies at the heart of a company’s financial operations. An invoice is more than just a bill; it’s a document that captures the essence of a transaction between a buyer and a seller. It includes essential details such as the date of the transaction, the names and addresses of both parties, a description of the goods or services provided, quantities, prices, taxes, and the total amount due.

Importance of Invoice Processing as a Business Process and the Need for Automation

Invoice processing is not just a routine task; it’s a fundamental business process that has far-reaching implications for cash flow management, vendor relationships, and overall operational efficiency. For a business, delays or errors in processing invoices can lead to significant issues such as late payments, damaged vendor relationships, and even legal disputes. Moreover, manual invoice processing is often time-consuming and prone to human error, making it a less-than-ideal solution for modern businesses.

In an era where businesses are striving to achieve greater efficiency and accuracy, automating invoice processing has become a necessity rather than a luxury. Automation addresses the key pain points of manual processing by significantly reducing the time and effort required to handle invoices, minimizing the risk of errors, and ensuring that payments are processed promptly. Furthermore, automation frees up valuable human resources to focus on more strategic tasks, thus contributing to overall business growth.

Benefits of Automating Invoice Processing

The benefits of automating invoice processing are numerous and impactful:

  1. Increased Efficiency: Automation streamlines the entire process, from data extraction to payment processing, reducing the time required to handle each invoice.
  2. Accuracy and Consistency: Automated systems minimize human error, ensuring that data is extracted and processed accurately every time.
  3. Cost Savings: By reducing the time and labour involved in invoice processing, businesses can achieve significant cost savings. Automation also reduces the likelihood of costly errors and penalties due to late payments.
  4. Improved Cash Flow Management: Automated invoice processing allows businesses to manage their cash flow more effectively by ensuring that payments are processed on time, thereby maintaining healthy vendor relationships.
  5. Scalability: As a business grows, the volume of invoices it needs to process also increases. Automation allows for seamless scaling without a corresponding increase in manual effort.
  6. Compliance and Audit Readiness: Automated systems provide an audit trail and ensure that all invoices are processed in accordance with regulatory requirements, making compliance easier to manage.

In conclusion, as businesses continue to evolve and expand, the need for efficient and accurate invoice processing becomes ever more critical. Automation offers a powerful solution to this challenge, enabling businesses to handle their financial transactions with greater ease and reliability.

Challenges in Invoice Processing (Automation)

Common Challenges Faced in Manual Invoice Processing

Manual invoice processing has long been a staple of business operations, but it is fraught with challenges that can hinder efficiency and accuracy. Understanding these challenges is crucial for recognizing the value of automation.

  1. Variety of Invoice Formats: Businesses receive invoices in various formats, including paper, email, PDFs, and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). This diversity makes it difficult to maintain consistency in data extraction and processing. For instance, a company might receive one invoice as a neatly formatted PDF, another as a scanned image, and yet another as an email attachment in a non-standard layout. Each format requires a different approach for data extraction, adding to the complexity of manual processing.
  2. Data Quality and Accuracy: Manual invoice processing is prone to human error, leading to inaccuracies in data entry, missed details, and incorrect calculations. For example, a slight mistake in entering a decimal point can lead to significant financial discrepancies. Moreover, inconsistent data handling can result in delays and errors in payment processing, which can affect a company’s financial health and vendor relationships.
  3. High Volume of Invoices: Many businesses, especially large enterprises, deal with hundreds or even thousands of invoices daily. Manually processing this volume of invoices is time-consuming and labor-intensive. The sheer number of invoices can overwhelm accounts payable teams, leading to backlogs, delayed payments, and missed discounts for early payment.
  4. Complex Invoice Styles: Invoices vary significantly in style and structure, with different vendors using different templates. Some invoices may contain only the essential details, while others include extensive notes, terms, and conditions, making it challenging to extract the relevant data efficiently. The lack of standardization adds to the difficulty of manual data extraction, requiring careful review of each invoice.
  5. Language and Currency Barriers: In today’s globalized economy, companies often receive invoices from international vendors in various languages and currencies. Processing these invoices manually is challenging, especially when accounts payable teams are not fluent in the language or familiar with the currency format. Even automated systems may struggle with language-specific nuances, further complicating the process.

Specific Challenges in Automating Invoice Processing

While automation offers a promising solution to the challenges of manual invoice processing, it is not without its own set of hurdles. Automating invoice processing involves addressing specific challenges to ensure efficiency and accuracy.

  1. Complex Template Variability: One of the primary challenges in automating invoice processing is dealing with the variability in invoice templates. Unlike structured documents, invoices can have different layouts, fonts, and formats depending on the vendor. Traditional Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems struggle with these variations, often leading to incomplete or incorrect data extraction. Advanced AI-driven systems are required to handle the nuances of different templates and extract data accurately across all formats.
  2. Scanning and Image Quality Issues: Poor-quality scans, skewed images, and low-resolution documents can pose significant challenges for automated systems. OCR tools may misinterpret characters or miss key data points entirely, leading to errors that require manual correction. Ensuring high-quality input is crucial for the success of automated invoice processing, but this is not always possible, especially with legacy documents or images captured via smartphones.
  3. Handling Unstructured Data: Invoices often contain both structured and unstructured data. While structured data like invoice numbers and dates can be easily extracted, unstructured data such as free-text descriptions, logos, and handwritten notes present a challenge. Basic OCR systems may not accurately interpret unstructured data, leading to incomplete or incorrect outputs. Advanced machine learning models are necessary to parse unstructured data effectively.
  4. Integration with Other Systems: Extracted invoice data often needs to be integrated with other business systems such as accounting software, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, or payment gateways. This integration can be complex, requiring seamless data flow between different platforms. Automated systems must be capable of exporting data in compatible formats and ensuring that it is correctly mapped to the relevant fields in the destination system.
  5. Scalability and Flexibility: As businesses grow, the volume of invoices they need to process increases. Automated systems must be scalable to handle increasing loads without compromising on speed or accuracy. Additionally, these systems need to be flexible enough to adapt to changes in invoice formats, regulatory requirements, or business needs. Customizable workflows and adaptive algorithms are key to meeting these demands.
  6. Ensuring Data Security and Compliance: Automating invoice processing involves handling sensitive financial information, making data security a top priority. Automated systems must be designed with robust security measures to protect against data breaches and ensure compliance with regulatory standards such as GDPR or HIPAA. Ensuring that the automation process is secure and compliant adds another layer of complexity to implementation.

The Advent of AI and Its Role in Processing Unstructured Documents

How AI and LLMs Help in Processing Unstructured Documents

In the digital age, data is the backbone of many businesses, yet a significant portion of this data is trapped in unstructured formats like emails, PDFs, and, notably, invoices. Extracting valuable insights from such unstructured documents was traditionally a manual and labor-intensive process. Imagine teams of people spending countless hours meticulously sifting through documents, manually entering information into databases—a process not only tedious but also fraught with potential errors and inconsistencies.

This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about a transformative shift. AI, particularly through the use of Large Language Models (LLMs), has revolutionized the way we handle unstructured data. AI-driven systems can now automatically extract, interpret, and organize information from diverse document types, turning what was once an arduous task into a seamless, efficient process.

Advantages of Using AI/LLMs for Invoice Processing

The application of AI and LLMs in invoice processing offers numerous advantages that significantly enhance efficiency, accuracy, and scalability:

  1. Effortless Automation: AI allows businesses to automate repetitive and mundane tasks associated with invoice processing. Tasks that once required manual intervention, such as data entry, validation, and verification, can now be performed automatically. This automation frees up human resources, allowing employees to focus on higher-level strategic tasks that drive business growth.
  2. Enhanced Accuracy and Consistency: One of the most significant benefits of using AI in invoice processing is the enhanced accuracy it provides. AI models trained on thousands of documents can extract information with over 90% accuracy, reducing the likelihood of errors that are common in manual processing. Moreover, AI systems deliver consistent results, ensuring that data is extracted and processed uniformly across all invoices.
  3. Scalability: As businesses grow, so does the volume of invoices they need to process. AI-powered systems are inherently scalable, capable of handling large volumes of data without compromising speed or accuracy. This scalability is crucial for businesses that experience seasonal spikes in invoice processing or are expanding into new markets.
  4. Improved Data Quality and Compliance: AI systems not only extract data accurately but also ensure that it is consistent and reliable. This improved data quality is essential for downstream processes, such as financial reporting and analysis. Furthermore, automated invoice processing helps businesses maintain compliance with regulatory requirements by ensuring that all data is processed according to predefined rules and standards.
  5. Uncovering Hidden Insights: AI has the capability to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies within large datasets that might be overlooked by human analysts. By processing invoices, AI can provide insights into spending patterns, vendor performance, and potential areas for cost savings. These insights empower businesses to make informed, data-driven decisions.
  6. Handling Complex and Unstructured Data: Invoices often contain a mix of structured and unstructured data. While structured data like dates and amounts can be straightforward to extract, unstructured data such as free-text descriptions and handwritten notes can be more challenging. AI, especially when combined with NLP, excels at processing this complex data, extracting valuable information that might otherwise be missed.
  7. Faster Processing Times: Traditional manual invoice processing is slow and prone to bottlenecks. AI-driven systems can process invoices in a fraction of the time it would take a human, leading to faster payment cycles and improved cash flow management. This speed is particularly beneficial in industries where quick turnaround times are critical.
  8. Cost Efficiency: By reducing the need for manual labor, AI-powered invoice processing can lead to significant cost savings. Businesses can lower their operational expenses while simultaneously increasing the volume of invoices processed. Additionally, the reduction in errors and the need for rework further contribute to cost efficiency.

In summary, the advent of AI and LLMs has brought about a profound change in how businesses process unstructured documents like invoices. These technologies not only make the process more efficient and accurate but also unlock new opportunities for insights and growth. As AI continues to evolve, its role in invoice processing will only become more integral, helping businesses streamline operations, reduce costs, and stay competitive in an increasingly data-driven world.

AI/LLMs in Processing Invoices

Detailed Explanation of How AI/LLMs Can Be Used to Process Invoices

In the realm of invoice processing, AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) have ushered in a new era of efficiency and precision. By integrating AI-driven tools with traditional Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, businesses can now process invoices in ways that were unimaginable just a few years ago.

Automated Invoice Data Extraction: Beyond Traditional OCR

Traditional OCR technology has been a reliable tool for converting scanned documents into machine-readable text. However, its limitations became apparent when dealing with the vast array of invoice formats, varying text structures, and the need for accuracy in financial data. This is where AI-enhanced OCR steps in.

AI-powered tools leverage machine learning (ML) and pattern recognition to elevate the capabilities of OCR. For example, consider a company that receives invoices from various vendors. Some invoices might be typed, while others are handwritten or even contain logos and non-standard fonts. Traditional OCR might struggle with such diversity, leading to errors in data extraction. However, AI-integrated systems can recognize and accurately extract text from these varied formats, even deciphering handwritten notes.

Real-Life Example: A Retail Chain’s Accounts Payable Transformation

Imagine a large retail chain that processes thousands of invoices daily from suppliers worldwide. These invoices arrive in different languages, currencies, and formats, making manual processing a daunting task. By implementing an AI-powered invoice processing system, the retail chain can automatically extract data from these invoices, no matter the format or language. The system’s machine learning models continuously improve with each processed document, ensuring that the extraction process becomes more accurate over time.

This automation allows the accounts payable (AP) team to move away from time-consuming data entry tasks and focus on higher-value activities such as analyzing spending patterns, negotiating better terms with suppliers, and optimizing cash flow.

Benefits of AI/LLMs in Invoice Data Extraction

The integration of AI and LLMs in invoice processing provides numerous benefits that directly impact a business’s efficiency, accuracy, and scalability.

  1. Speed and Efficiency: AI-driven invoice processing systems can handle large volumes of invoices quickly. For example, a financial institution that receives thousands of invoices each month can use AI to process these documents within minutes, significantly reducing the turnaround time from receipt to payment. This speed not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances vendor relationships by ensuring timely payments.
  2. Accuracy and Reduced Errors: Unlike manual data entry, which is prone to errors, AI-powered systems provide a high level of accuracy. For instance, an AI system can accurately extract line items, totals, and tax details from an invoice, even when the information is presented in a non-standard format. This accuracy reduces the likelihood of payment errors, which can lead to costly disputes with vendors.
  3. Scalability: As businesses grow, so does the volume of invoices they need to process. AI-driven solutions are scalable, meaning they can easily adapt to increasing workloads. A growing e-commerce company, for example, might start with processing a few hundred invoices per month but could scale to handling tens of thousands as the business expands, all without requiring additional human resources.
  4. Handling Complexity: AI systems are adept at managing complex invoice formats that would typically overwhelm manual processes. For example, a multinational corporation dealing with invoices in multiple languages and currencies can rely on AI to standardize the data extraction process across all regions, ensuring consistency and accuracy.
  5. Integration and Flexibility: Modern AI-driven invoice processing tools are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing enterprise systems, such as accounting software and ERP platforms. This integration ensures that extracted data flows smoothly into the broader financial ecosystem, reducing the need for manual intervention. For example, an AI system could extract data from an invoice and automatically populate it into an ERP system, streamlining the entire accounts payable process.
  6. Cost Efficiency and ROI: While there is an upfront investment in AI-powered invoice processing tools, the return on investment (ROI) can be significant. By reducing manual labor, minimizing errors, and speeding up the payment process, businesses can achieve substantial cost savings. Additionally, these systems help businesses take advantage of early payment discounts offered by vendors, further improving the ROI.

Real-Life Example: A Manufacturing Firm’s Journey to Automation

Consider a manufacturing firm that deals with a vast network of suppliers. Each month, the firm receives thousands of invoices, often in different formats and languages. Before implementing an AI-powered invoice processing system, the firm’s AP team struggled with delays and errors. After adopting the new system, the firm saw a dramatic improvement in processing speed and accuracy. The AI system quickly learned to handle the various invoice formats and even identified discrepancies that had previously gone unnoticed. As a result, the firm not only streamlined its invoice processing but also improved its financial oversight, leading to better decision-making and cost savings.

Introduction to Unstract and Its Role

Brief Introduction to Unstract

Unstract is an open-source, no-code platform designed specifically for businesses looking to automate structured data extraction from unstructured documents. In today’s fast-paced digital environment, where data comes in various forms and formats, Unstract is a solution that eliminates the need for manual processes, transforming how organizations handle and process documents.

Whether you’re dealing with bank statements, invoices, or any other complex document types, Unstract leverages the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) to provide a seamless and efficient data extraction experience.

Unstract’s Core Offering: Flexibility and Power

What makes Unstract unique is its flexibility and adaptability. It’s an open-source platform that allows businesses to choose the best tools for their specific needs, whether that’s selecting a particular LLM, vector database, or text extraction service. This customization ensures that Unstract fits perfectly into existing workflows, making it easier for organizations to integrate powerful AI-driven processes without disrupting their current systems.

For instance, imagine a multinational corporation that receives bank statements from over 200 different banks, each with its own format and structure. Traditional data extraction tools might struggle to handle such variety, but Unstract’s robust platform can easily manage these differences, ensuring that all data is extracted accurately and efficiently.

By providing APIs that can be integrated into existing apps and ETL pipelines, Unstract allows businesses to structure unstructured documents with minimal effort.

Unstract — No-code LLM Platform to launch APIs and ETL Pipelines to structure unstructured documents

How Unstract Leverages AI in Structuring Unstructured Data

At the heart of Unstract’s capabilities is its advanced use of AI and LLMs to process unstructured data. Unstract is designed to handle a wide variety of document formats, from simple PDFs to complex, multi-column layouts, and even handwritten text. Here’s how Unstract’s AI-driven approach works:

  1. LLMWhisperer: Optimizing Data for AI Processing

    Unstract’s LLMWhisperer is a companion service that ensures the input documents are perfectly prepared for AI consumption. Whether it’s a scanned PDF or a document captured by a smartphone camera, LLMWhisperer optimizes the text extraction process, preserving the document’s layout so that LLMs can better understand multi-column formats, tables, and forms. This results in highly accurate data extraction, even from the most challenging documents.

    For example, consider a healthcare provider that needs to process patient forms that include checkboxes, radio buttons, and handwritten notes. Traditional OCR tools might struggle with these elements, but Unstract’s LLMWhisperer can handle them with ease, ensuring that all relevant data is captured accurately.

  1. Prompt Studio: The Engine Behind Structured Data Extraction

    Unstract’s Prompt Studio is a dedicated environment for prompt engineers, purpose-built to create and refine prompts for extracting structured data. With Prompt Studio, businesses can develop generic prompts that work across various document types, ensuring that the AI models can accurately extract data regardless of the document’s structure or layout.

    Prompt Studio also offers built-in versioning, allowing users to test new prompts and roll back if necessary. This feature is particularly valuable in industries where compliance and accuracy are critical, such as finance or healthcare.

Invoice data extraction: Unstract Prompt Studio — The prompt engineering environment purpose-built for structured document data extraction.

  1. LLMChallenge: Ensuring Data Integrity

    One of the standout features of Unstract is its LLMChallenge, a system that uses two separate LLMs to extract and then challenge the data. This dual-LLM approach ensures that the extracted data is either correct or flagged as NULL, preventing the kind of hallucinations or errors that can occur with single-LLM systems. For businesses dealing with sensitive financial data, this feature provides an extra layer of trust and reliability.

    Imagine a scenario where a global finance firm needs to extract data from various financial reports. With Unstract, the firm can rest assured that the extracted data will be accurate, as the LLMChallenge will catch and discard any inconsistencies before the data is finalized.
  1. Scalability and Cost Efficiency

    Unstract is designed to scale with your business. Whether you’re processing hundreds or millions of documents, Unstract can handle the load without compromising on speed or accuracy. Moreover, features like SinglePass Extraction and Summarized Extraction reduce the token usage significantly, making it a cost-effective solution for large-scale operations.

    For example, a logistics company that processes thousands of shipment invoices daily can rely on Unstract to handle the volume efficiently, keeping operational costs low while ensuring that all data is processed quickly and accurately.

In Summary: Transform Your Document Processing with Unstract’s Innovative API

Unstract is not just another data extraction tool; it’s a comprehensive platform that empowers businesses to take full control of their document processing workflows. By leveraging advanced AI and LLMs, Unstract provides unparalleled flexibility, accuracy, and efficiency, making it the ideal solution for organizations looking to eliminate manual data processing and move into the future of automated, AI-driven operations.

Steps in Unstract to Extract Data from Invoices

Unstract offers a robust and flexible platform for extracting structured data from unstructured documents like invoices. Below are the steps involved in the process.

  1. Setting up Prompt Studio to write and run prompts to extract fields from invoices
  2. Deploying the Prompt Studio project as an API
  3. Deploying the same Prompt Studio Project as a ETL pipeline.

Prompt Studio: No-Code Approach to Invoice Data Extraction

In this section, we will explore how to set up and use Unstract’s no-code platform, specifically the Prompt Studio, to extract key information from invoices without writing a single line of code. This approach leverages the power of PDF text parsers(LLMWhisperer) and Large Language Models (LLMs) to automate the process, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

Initial Setup

Before we begin, you’ll need to set up the necessary accounts and services:

  1. LLM Service: Use OpenAI to process raw text and structure the data fields.
  2. Embedding Model: OpenAI’s embedding service to organize data within the document.
  3. Vector Database: Use the Postgres Free Trial VectorDB provided by Unstract for storing and retrieving data.
  4. Text Extractor: Use LLMWhisperer to extract text from PDFs, including OCR for scanned documents.

Setting Up the OpenAI LLM in Unstract

  1. Sign in to the Unstract Platform.
  2. Navigate to Settings → LLMs.
  3. Click on New LLM Profile.
  4. Select OpenAI from the list and enter the API key.

AI Invoice Processing: Set up OpenAI LLM Profile

3. Setting Up the OpenAI Embedding Model

  1. In Unstract, go to Settings Embedding.
  2. Click on New Embedding Profile.
  3. Select OpenAI and enter the necessary details, including the API key.

4. Set Up the Postgres Free Trial Vector Database

  1. Go to Settings Vector DBs in Unstract.
  2. Click on New Vector DB Profile.
  3. Select Postgres Free Trial VectorDB from the list.
  4. Enter a name for the connector and set the URL and API key as required.

5. Set Up LLMWhisperer Text Extractor

  1. Navigate to Settings → Text Extractor in Unstract.
  2. Click on New Text Extractor.
  3. Select LLMWhisperer and enter the API key.
  4. Set the processing mode to OCR and the output mode to line-printer.

6. Set Up the Prompt Studio Project

  1. In Prompt Studio, go to Settings → Manage LLM Profiles → Add New LLM Profile.
  2. Name the profile (e.g., OpenAI GPT 3.5 + Qdrant + LLMWhisperer).
  3. Set the LLM, Vector Database (Postgres Free Trial VectorDB), Embedding Model, and Text Extractor accordingly.
  4. Click Add to create the profile.

7. Add Documents to Document Manager

  1. Go to Manage Documents in Prompt Studio.
  2. Upload the sample invoices or documents you wish to process.
  3. The documents will automatically be indexed when you run your first prompt.

8. Creating and Running Prompts

  • Click on the + Prompt button to add a new prompt cell in Prompt Studio.
  • Enter the field name (e.g., cc_issuer_name).
  • Write a field prompt, such as “Extract the invoice issuer name?”
  • Click Run to execute the prompt.

By following these steps, you can efficiently extract structured data from invoices using Unstract’s no-code platform. This approach allows you to harness the power of AI-driven data extraction without needing any coding skills, making it accessible and easy to implement.

Extracting invoice fields as JSON

In this section, we’ll cover the steps to extract structured data from your documents in JSON format using Unstract’s Prompt Studio. This is particularly useful for integrating the extracted data into other systems or for further processing.

Steps to Extract Structured Data in JSON Format: API deployment

  1. Add and Run Prompts:
    • Start by adding prompts in Prompt Studio to extract specific fields from your documents.
    • Once the prompts are set up, run them to generate the output.
  2. Viewing Response JSON:
    • After running the prompts, Unstract allows you to view the extracted data in JSON format, this enables you to verify if the accuracy of the extracted data
  3. Exporting the Prompt Studio project as a Tool
  4. Create an API workflow for the exported Tool
  5. Deploy the workflow to generate an API endpoint that you can use within your applications, automation workflows, and for reporting and analytics purposes.

Benefits of Using Unstract for Invoice Data Extraction

Unstract provides a comprehensive and powerful solution for extracting structured data from unstructured documents, making it an invaluable tool for businesses across various industries. Here’s a summary of the key benefits:

  1. No-Code Platform: Unstract allows users to automate complex data extraction tasks without any coding, making it accessible to users of all technical backgrounds.
  2. AI-Powered Accuracy: By leveraging the latest in AI and Large Language Models (LLMs), Unstract ensures highly accurate data extraction, even from complex and unstructured documents.
  3. Flexibility and Scalability: Unstract’s platform can handle a wide variety of document formats, including handwritten, multi-column, and multi-language documents. It’s also scalable, capable of processing large volumes of documents efficiently.
  4. Integrated Tools: With features like LLMWhisperer for text extraction, Qdrant Vector DB for data storage, and Prompt Studio for prompt engineering, Unstract provides a fully integrated ecosystem for document processing.
  5. Cost Efficiency: Unstract offers features like SinglePass Extraction and Summarized Extraction, which reduce token usage and processing costs, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses.
  6. Data Security and Compliance: Unstract adheres to strict data security and compliance standards, ensuring that sensitive information is handled securely and in accordance with regulatory requirements.
  7. Ease of Integration: The platform’s API capabilities make it easy to integrate Unstract’s data extraction processes into existing business systems, streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity.

With API deployments you can expose an API to which you send a PDF or an image and get back structured data in JSON format. Or with an ETL deployment, you can just put files into a Google Drive, Amazon S3 bucket or choose from a variety of sources and the platform will run extractions and store the extracted data into a database or a warehouse like Snowflake automatically. Unstract is an Open Source software and is available at https://github.com/Zipstack/unstract.

If you want to quickly try it out, signup for our free trial.


In this article, we explored how Unstract revolutionizes invoice processing by leveraging AI and LLMs to extract structured data from unstructured documents. We walked through the setup process, demonstrated practical examples, and highlighted the advantages of using Unstract for data extraction.

Key Points Recap:

  • Introduction to Invoice Processing: Understanding the importance of automating invoice processing.
  • Challenges: Identifying the challenges faced in both manual and automated invoice processing.
  • The Role of AI: How AI and LLMs are transforming the way we handle unstructured data.
  • Unstract Overview: A detailed look at how Unstract works and its unique features.
  • Practical Examples: Demonstrating Unstract’s capabilities with real-world invoices.
  • No-Code Data Extraction: Using Prompt Studio to extract data without coding.

Final Thoughts on the Future of AI in Invoice Processing: The future of invoice processing lies in the continuous evolution of AI technologies. As AI models become more advanced, we can expect even greater accuracy, efficiency, and versatility in handling a wide range of document formats. Unstract, with its innovative approach and robust platform, is well-positioned to lead this transformation, making it an essential tool for businesses looking to stay ahead in a rapidly changing digital landscape.